Paleo Lithics to Legacy Management: Ruthann Knudson—Inawa’sioskitsipaki

Part of: Society for American Archaeology 86th Annual Meeting, Online (2021)

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Paleo Lithics to Legacy Management: Ruthann Knudson—Inawa’sioskitsipaki" at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Ruthann Knudson exploded on the archaeological stage with an analysis of employable units (EUs), one of her lasting legacies to lithic technology, applied in the first case to Paleoindian studies. She can also be credited for initiating the publication of the *Newsletter of Lithic Technology, today the international journal *Lithic Technology. Her interest in lithics never waned, although she moved on to many other topics during her life, returning to lithics at the end of her career. She left a lasting legacy in government affairs, education, Native American consultation, and many other contemporary topics. During much of her career she championed women's and feminist issues, both in terms of the structure of the field and in her studies, providing significant influence on female students. However, her mentorship and encouragement extended to all budding archaeologists. This symposium covers current perspectives in many areas of interest to Ruthann and in which she made contributions.