Wyoming Archaeologist 1997

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  • Documents (7)

  • Archaeological Collections Management: From Shoeboxes to Computer Systems (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Vicki Finley.

    Proper collections management is crucial to archaeology. Recent trends in conservation archaeology recognize the nonrenewable nature of archaeological sites and highlight the research potential of existing archaeological collections.

  • Front matter for Wyoming Archaeologist, Volume 41, Issue 1 (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

    Front matter for Wyoming Archaeologist, Volume 41, Issue 1

  • Front matter for Wyoming Archaeologist, Volume 41, Issue 2 (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Jim deVos

    Front matter for Wyoming Archaeologist, Volume 41, Issue 2

  • Lost Somewhere in the Middle-Range: Current Trends in North American Archaeology (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Christopher T. Hall.

    More than thirty years have passed since the ideas of New Archaeology swept through the discipline. Since then, archaeologists have made many advances in archaeological methods and theory. Reviewing the present literature, however, I question if the current trends in North American archaeology are still a part of the New Archaeology’s research program. In this paper I first review the developmental stages that New Archaeology has gone through, and then suggest where American archaeology stands...

  • A Middle Range Research Project in Fire Pit Technology (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Dewey Baars. Janice Baars. George M. Zeimens.

    During recent excavations at the Maneater Cave site (Zeimens and Baars 1996) a number of slab-lined pit features were encountered (Figure 1). All appear to have been used as fire hearths. Three of these yielded corrected radiocarbon dates of BC 4080 (Beta 84881), BC 4340 (Beta 86401), and BC 4320 (Beta 85550). Located adjacent to some of the slab-lined features were shallow basin-shaped depressions. The hardened floor and blackened zone on the inside surface of these depressions indicate that...

  • A Prehistoric Stone Line Complex from Northwest Wyoming (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Dan Eakin.

    The Two Dot Flats site (48PA1068) was discovered in 1989 during cultural resource investigations of the Dead Indian Pass area by the Office of the Wyoming State Archaeologist for road construction activities by the Wyoming Department of Transportation (Eakin 1990). The Two Dot Flats site consists of over 400 stone cairns presumed to be parts of a prehistoric bison drive line complex, and around 40 stone circles believed to both predate the drive system and be a part of it.

  • Tragedy for Pompeii: Triumph for Archaeology (1997)
    DOCUMENT Full-Text Piper Taylor Grandjean.

    In A.D. 79, early one afternoon in August, a volcano to the north of the Roman city of Pompeii began an eruption that continued through the night. When the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius was finished, more than 20,000 people had been killed, and entire cities were lost (Time-Life Books 1992:10). Although this tragedy cost the lives of many people, through the archaeological record we can recover valuable information about the civilization and appreciate how these people lived. In this essay, I am...