Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research

Part of: Society for Historical Archaeology 2024

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research," at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

While sitting on two different countries, Canada and the United States, the landscape of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley have often been part of the same network. This region witnessed the passage of people, interconnecting transportation and military conflicts which have left an enduring legacy up to today.

This session will showcase archaeological projects exploring the maritime cultural heritage of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley by highlighting the interconnectedness of human interaction through archaeology. Focus will be given to ongoing research to provide an occasion for scholars to engage with each other as their projects are evolving.

Resources Inside This Collection (Viewing 1-6 of 6)

  • Documents (6)

  • Abandoned, But Not Forgotten: The Systemic And Archaeological Context Of Hildegarde. (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Paul W Gates.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Lake Champlain is the repository of a considerable number of submerged cultural resources and shipwrecks representing over twelve thousand years of human occupation in the region. While archaeologists have collated a substantial amount of data on the vessels, the histories of...

  • Arnold’s Bay Project: Material Culture and Connections from a Colonial Battlefield in Lake Champlain (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Cherilyn A. Gilligan.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. A little-known battlefield from the American War of Independence lies in Arnold’s Bay in Panton, Vermont. In October of the 1776 campaign season, British troops made their way south from Fort St. Jean in a last attempt for the year to defeat the American fleet on Lake...

  • The Excavation And Documentation Of Row Galley Congress (1776) (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Christopher R. Sabick.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In the fall of 2022 archaeologists from the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum began the exploration of the abandonment site of the flag ship of the colonial naval fleet on Lake Champlain in 1776, the Row Galley Congress. Test excavations in 2022 revealed that substaintially more...

  • Ongoing Research at the Fort Saint-Jean: Excavation of a Presumed Late 18th-Century/Early 19th-Century Mystery Shipwreck (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Marijo Gauthier-Bérubé.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Since 2016, the Fort Saint-Jean Museum has been involved in an underwater archeological project on its riverfront to document its submerged cultural heritage. The first phase of the project (2016-2018) led to the discovery of two new archeological sites and the monitoring of...

  • A Stereopticon Tour of Lake Champlain’s Steamboat Graveyard (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin J. Crisman. Carolyn Kennedy.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. Between 2014 and 2016 four steamboat wrecks sunk near one another off Shelburne Point in Lake Champlain underwent surveys and preliminary recording. Comparison of archaeological and historical data allowed identification of the four. The historical evidence included a...

  • War Schooner Royal Savage: Interpreting Disarticulated Ship Remains from the American War of Independence (2024)
    DOCUMENT Citation Only George Schwarz. Chris Dostal. Glenn Greico.

    This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploring the Maritime Archaeology of the Richelieu River and Lake Champlain Valley: Ongoing Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. The schooner Royal Savage played a pivotal role as the flagship of Benedict Arnold’s squadron in the American Continental Army’s defense of Lake Champlain against the British during the American Revolution. Misfortune led to her sinking during the Battle of Valcour Island in...