UN Decade for Ocean Science's Heritage Network: Historical Archaeology's Contribution

Part of: Society for Historical Archaeology 2024

This collection contains the abstracts of the papers presented in the session entitled "UN Decade for Ocean Science's Heritage Network: Historical Archaeology's Contribution," at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

This symposium focuses on risks to heritage from a variety of factors and discusses possible tools for mitigation. The UN Decade for Ocean Science is discussed as a vehicle for adding maritime archaeology and UCH to the global discussions of ocean science. Crucial case studies will bring this issue to light as well as Blue Growth, a development factor affecting cultural heritage. Additionally, SHA created the Heritage at Risk Committee (HARC) to promote research on endangered sites, build best practices for public engagement, and develop resources. This session celebrates ongoing work by committee members who shine a light on climate change and other impacts, highlight partnerships between multidisciplinary professionals and the public, and collaborate with other committees. Papers will describe historic sites and impacts, but also offer recommendations to protect cultural resources showing how through aligning multidisciplinary ocean heritage mitigation strategies, we can engage and integrate the protection of UCH.