Reher Historic Site, Artifact Inventory
Part of the Reher Bakery Historic Archaeological Site, Kingston, NY project
Creator(s): Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.
Year: 2013
Excel dataset for Reher Historic site, a late 19th- to early 20th-century Jewish bakery and residence in Kingston, NY.
Cite this Record
Reher Historic Site, Artifact Inventory. Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.. 2013 ( tDAR id: 392084) ; doi:10.6067/XCV82Z16F8
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Data Set Structure
Table Information: Artifact Catalog
Column Name | Data Type | Type | Category | Coding Sheet | Ontology | Search |
Class | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Culture | Historic, precontact, or indeterminate. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true | |
Material | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Condition | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Mark | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Manufacturing Technology | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Body Decoration | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Surface Decoration | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Date/Date Range | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Cull Status | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Storage : Other | none | none | true |
Removal Status | BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Storage : Other | none | none | true |
Comments | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Notes | none | none | true |
NYSM Type | Not used in this dataset. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true | |
NYSM Material | Not used in this dataset. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true | |
Subtype | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Type | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Grams | Total of weight of individual item. | |||||
DOUBLE | Measurement (gram) | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
Count | Number of elements within an individual item. | |||||
BIGINT | Count | uncategorized | none | none | true | |
Item Number | Individual item within bag. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
Bag | Number of field bag. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Other | none | none | true | |
Context | Context. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Provenience and Context : Context | none | none | true | |
HAA Number | Hartgen's collection number. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Storage : Other | none | none | true | |
Phase | Archeological phase of investigation | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true | |
Project Number | Internal project number used by Hartgen. | |||||
BIGINT | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true | |
Element | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Color | VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Thickness | DOUBLE | Measurement (centimeter) | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Width | DOUBLE | Measurement (centimeter) | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Length | DOUBLE | Measurement (centimeter) | uncategorized | none | none | true |
Bore Diameter | Limited to pipe stems. | |||||
VARCHAR | Uncoded Value | Lookup : Description | none | none | true |
Building Materials
Site Name
Reher Historical Site
Site Type
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex
Resource Extraction / Production / Transportation Structure or Features
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation
Historic Background Research
Reconnaissance / Survey
Research Design / Data Recovery Plan
19th Century
20th Century
Pollen Analysis
Geographic Keywords
Hudson River & Valley
New York State
Northeastern United States
Ulster County, New York
Temporal Keywords
Late 19th - Early 20th Centtury
Spatial Coverage
min long: -73.994; min lat: 41.907 ; max long: -73.964; max lat: 41.938 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc.
Record Identifiers
Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc. Project Number(s): 4525
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Unique Site Number(s): A11140.001701
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Project Review Number(s): 12PR00855
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
452551-1796-Final-Catalog.xls | 243.50kb | Mar 4, 2014 7:54:32 AM | Public | ||
Translated version
Data column(s) in this dataset have been associated with coding sheet(s) and translated: