Archaeological Investigatons at Susquehanna: a 19th Century Farm Complex Aboard Patuxent River Naval Air Station, St. Mary's County, Maryland


Report Abstract:

Archaeological excavations were undertaken during 1987 at The Susquehanna site (18ST399), located at the mouth of the Patuxent River in St. Mary's County, Maryland. The Susquehanna house, believed to date to the first half of the 19th century, had been moved to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village in 1942, where it is now a part of the exhibits there. The purpose of these excavations, funded by the Edison Institute of the Henry Ford Museum, was to recover information concerning the elements and organization of the Susquehanna homelot in the 19th and 20th centuries for use in exhibit interpretation. The investigative strategy consisted of a shovel test pit survey, limited test excavations, and recording of surviving aboveground features. Elements associated with both the 19th and 20th century occupations were found, and the accuracy of an 1848 map showing the Susquehanna homelot was tested. The location of the dairy and two outbuildings associated with Susquehanna were found. Evidence for an earlier dwelling preceding the Susquehanna farmhouse was also recovered. Dating to the second half of the 18th century, this structure may have been abandoned several years before Susquehanna was built. Activities associated with the 18th century occupation were also identified and may indicate the locations of associated outbuildings. Further, the foundations of the agricultural buildings were relocated, a site believed to be an outlying quarter was identified, and a 19th/20th century road was found. Finally, an early 1840s date of construction for the farmhouse now in Dearborn was determined based on both historical and archaeological data.

Cite this Record

Archaeological Investigatons at Susquehanna: a 19th Century Farm Complex Aboard Patuxent River Naval Air Station, St. Mary's County, Maryland. Julia A. King. 1989 ( tDAR id: 166443) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8166443

Spatial Coverage

min long: -76.471; min lat: 38.246 ; max long: -76.367; max lat: 38.311 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory Federal Curator

Contributor(s): Julia A. King

Sponsor(s): Navy

Repository(s): Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory

Prepared By(s): Southern Maryland Regional Center

Record Identifiers

Maryland Historical Trust Report #(s): ST 64

NADB document id number(s): 4585

MAC Lab Accession Number(s): 1998.036

NADB citation id number(s): 000000080997


General Note: The following physical records are held at MAC Lab: Field Notes, Lab Notes, Maps, Report, Black & White Negatives, Black & White Prints, Black and White Contact Sheets, Kodachrome Slides, Photologs, List of Documentation, acid-free copy of all paper records stored in the secondary records storage room

General Note: Date Collected:1987-1988

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Contact(s): Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory Federal Curator