Report: Archaeological Investigations at the "Old Chapel Field," St. Inigoes, Maryland (1992.030)


Report Abstract:

Construction of expanded and improved utility lines (MILCON No. P-713) and of an ''EVM Test Facility'' are proposed to be undertaken at the Naval Electronics Systems Engineering Activity (NESEA), St. Inigoes, Maryland. A survey has been conducted prior to their construction to determine any possible impact on archaeological remains. Based on the results of a preliminary cultural resources survey of the facility undertaken in 1981, two separate areas of concern were selected for investigation -- the ''Old Chapel Field'' and ''Langley Hollow.'' Survey methods included excavation of 406 shovel tests and four 5x5-foot test squares and surface collection of artifacts from plowed surfaces totaling approximately three acres. In addition, several collections of prehistoric artifacts recovered from the Old Chapel Field area by local informants were analyzed.

Investigations in Langley Hollow proved negative and utility line construction there may proceed as planned. The Old Chapel Field, however, contains extensive and significant archaeological remains, including the site of the St. Inigoes Jesuit priest's house (18 St 330) of circa 1705-1755. That site has been judged potentially eligible for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The presence of these resources has necessitated re-routing of some of the proposed utility lines. Construction of the proposed EVM Test Facility, also located within the Old Chapel Field, has been determined not to endanger significant resources.

Cite this Record

Report: Archaeological Investigations at the "Old Chapel Field," St. Inigoes, Maryland (1992.030). Dennis J. Pogue, Karlene B. Leeper. 1984 ( tDAR id: 166728) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8166728

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1700 to 1749

Spatial Coverage

min long: -76.455; min lat: 38.123 ; max long: -76.398; max lat: 38.165 ;

Record Identifiers

MHT Shelf Number(s): ST 31B

NADB document id number(s): 3442

MAC Lab Accession Number(s): 1992.030

NADB citation id number(s): 000000080352

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