Geophysical Investigations and Monitoring of the HVAC Replacement Project Area at the Truman Farmhouse (Site 23JA638) within the Harry S. Truman National Historic Site in Grandview, Jackson County, Missouri

Author(s): Steven De Vore

Year: 2009


The National Park Service’s Midwest Archeological Center and Harry S Truman National Historic Site staffs conducted geophysical investigations and construction project monitoring at the Truman Farm unit (Site 23JA638) of Harry S Truman National Historic Site in Jackson County, Missouri. The geophysical and archeological investigations were conducted between January 23 and 26, 2008. The archeological investigations were requested by the park staff for the HVAC replacement project at the Truman farmhouse. The project location extended across the side yard on the south side of the farmhouse and in the parking lot.

During the investigations, 337 square meters or 0.08 acres were surveyed with a single fluxgate gradiometer and a dual fluxgate gradiometer system. The magnetic data collected at the selected project areas provided information of the physical properties (magnetic) of the subsurface materials. Several magnetic anomalies were identified, including two clusters of anomalies that appeared to be associated with the original house foundation and a root cellar in the yard. During the trenching activities connecting the geothermal well field with the geothermal pump located in the farmhouse, two features were documented. Both features were mortar lens that were apparently associated with clean up efforts following the destruction of the original farmhouse by fire in 1894. Feature 2 also contained a depression beneath the mortar lens that may be associated with the root cellar entrance. It is recommended that additional geophysical investigations be undertaken at the Truman Farm unit to identify other buried archeological resources associated with the farming activities of the Young and Truman families at the National Park Service unit.

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Geophysical Investigations and Monitoring of the HVAC Replacement Project Area at the Truman Farmhouse (Site 23JA638) within the Harry S. Truman National Historic Site in Grandview, Jackson County, Missouri. Steven De Vore. Midwest Archeological Center Technical Report ,No. 121. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service. 2009 ( tDAR id: 376164) ; doi:10.6067/XCV81N80VM

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Sponsor(s): Midwest Archaeological Center, National Park Service

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