Cultural Affiliation Report, Chapter 1: Background and Scope for the Kennewick Man Cultural Affiliation Reports


As part of its responsibilities in the Kennewick Man case, the Department of the Interior was trying to make a determination of the disposition of the human remains

under the requirements of NAGPRA. Since the issue of disposition was at least in part related to whether the remains could be culturally affiliated under the terms of NAGPRA, four studies by experts in anthropological, archaeological, cultural, and historical topics relevant to this determination were undertaken by the DOI. These

studies, which constitute the remaining four chapters of this portion of the Kennewick documentation, were prepared by: Dr. Kenneth Ames, Portland State University, Portland, Oregon (archeological information); Dr. Daniel Boxberger, Western Washington University, Bellingham, Washington (traditional historical and ethnographic information); Dr. Steven Hackenberger, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington (bio-archeological information); Dr. Eugene Hunn, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (linguistic information). Each of these individuals is an expert in the subject matter he was responsible for summarizing.

Cite this Record

Cultural Affiliation Report, Chapter 1: Background and Scope for the Kennewick Man Cultural Affiliation Reports. Francis McManamon, Jason Roberts, Brooke S. Blades. Cultural Affiliation Report ,Chapter 1.: National Park Service, Department of the Interior. 2000 ( tDAR id: 376902) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8028R81

Spatial Coverage

min long: -119.155; min lat: 46.205 ; max long: -119.137; max lat: 46.242 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Sponsor(s): National Park Service


Redaction Note: Some of the reports included in the project were posted originally and hosted on a public website created and maintained by the National Park Service and Department of the Interior.

General Note: Some documents were converted from the NPS website ( by cutting and pasting the website text and images into Word 2007 and exporting the .docx file to PDF via Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard.

General Note: Tables, Figures, and Bibliographic references for individual reports or chapters in reports that were formerly accessed via hyperlinks have been appended to the end of each relevant document.

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