Cultural Resources Survey of the Stratford Parcel 13 Tract
Author(s): Callie McLean; Jennifer Salo; Allison Wind; Damon Jackson; Erik Mischker
Year: 2009
"During November and December 2008, Brockington and Associates, Inc., conducted an intensive cultural resources survey of the 342-acre Stratford Parcel 13 Tract in Jasper County, South Carolina. The investigations were conducted for SLF III-Hardeeville, LLC, to provide compliance with state and federal regulations concerning the management of historic properties (i.e., sites, buildings, structures, objects, and districts eligible for or listed on the National Register of Historic Places [NRHP]) affected through development activities in the Coastal Zone of South Carolina.
The cultural resources survey included a review of land ownership and use recorded in public documents, a review of previous investigations near the tract, and the excavation of shovel tests at 30-meter intervals across the project tract. There are no survey-eligible structures within or near the project tract; therefore, an architectural survey was not necessary.
Investigators identified eight sites (38JA1044–38JA1051) and eight isolated finds (Isolates 1–8) during the survey of Stratford Parcel 13. We recommend sites 38JA1044, 38JA1046, 38JA1048, 38JA1049, and 38JA1051 and Isolates 1–8 not eligible for the NRHP. No further management consideration of these five sites and the isolated finds is warranted. We recommend sites 38JA1045, 38JA1047, and 38JA1050 potentially eligible for the NRHP. If sites 38JA1045, 38JA1047, and 38JA1050 cannot be preserved in place, we recommend that evaluative testing be conducted to determine definitively the NRHP eligibility of each site."
Cite this Record
Cultural Resources Survey of the Stratford Parcel 13 Tract. Callie McLean, Jennifer Salo, Allison Wind, Damon Jackson, Erik Mischker. Mt. Pleasant, SC: Brockington and Associates, Inc. 2009 ( tDAR id: 391265) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8GQ7021
Early Woodland
Late Archaic
Middle Woodland
Building Materials
Chipped Stone
Human Remains
Site Name
Site No. 38JA1044
Site No. 38JA1045 - House Site/ Settlement
Site No. 38JA1046 - Domestic Scatter
Site No. 38JA1047 - House Site/ Settlement
Site No. 38JA1048
Site No. 38JA1049
Site No. 38JA1050 - Domestic Scatter
Site No. 38JA1051
The Old Garrett Cemetery
Site Type
Archaeological Feature
Artifact Scatter
Domestic Structure or Architectural Complex
Domestic Structures
Funerary and Burial Structures or Features
House Mound
Isolated Artifact
Investigation Types
Archaeological Overview
Collections Research
Environment Research
Historic Background Research
Records Search / Inventory Checking
Site Evaluation / Testing
Systematic Survey
Alkaline Glazed Stoneware
Aqua Bottle Glass Fragments
Aqua Window Glass
Black Underglaze Transfer Print Whiteware
Blue Drawn Glass Beads
Blue Shell Edged Pearlware Sherds
Blue Shell Edged Whiteware Sherds
Blue Underglaze Hand Painted Delft
Blue Underglaze Shell Edge Porcelain
Blue Underglaze Transfer Printed Whiteware Sherds
Blue Wire Wound Glass Beads
Brass Buckle
Brick Fragments
Brown Glazed Buffware
Brown Salt-glazed Stoneware Sherds
Chert Debitage
Chert Flake Fragment
Chert Tertiary Core Reduction Flakes
Chisolm's Estate
Coastal Plain Chert
Colonoware Sherds
Colorless Glass Bottle
Cut Nails
Dark Olive Green Bottle Glass
Deptford Check Stamped Sherds
Deptford Simple Stamped Sherds
Dot and Trail Slip Buffware Sherds
Eroded Body Coarse Sand Temper Sherds
Green Shell Edged Pearlware
Iron Pot Fragments
Iron Strap
Jackfield Redware
Kaolin Pipe Stems
Lead Glazed Redware
Light Olive Green Bottle Glass
McPherson's Estate
Milky Quartz Flake Fragment
Olive Green Glass Bottle Fragments
Plain Body Coarse Sand Temper Sherds
Plain Body Grog Tempered Sherds
Polychrome Annular Whiteware
Polychrome Underglaze Pearlware
Polychrome Underglaze Whiteware
Red Over Glaze Hand Painted Porcelain
Residual Sherds
Salt Glazed Stoneware
Square Nails
Undecorated Creamware Sherds
Undecorated Pearlware Sherds
Undecorated Porcelain Sherds
Undecorated Whiteware
Unidentifiable Iron Fragments
Unidentifiable Slip Buffware
Westerwald stoneware
Wrought Nails
Yellow Glazed and Molded Whiteware
Show More
Geographic Keywords
Jasper (County)
Temporal Keywords
Post-Contact Period
Pre-Contact Period
Temporal Coverage
Calendar Date: 1916 to 1957 (Land owned by the Argent Lumber Company)
Calendar Date: 1894 to 1916 (The project tract was a part of the Okeetee Club owned by John King Garnett)
Calendar Date: 1800 to 1894 (Southern portion owned by James McPherson)
Calendar Date: 1775 to 1800 (Southern portion owned by Daniel Heyward and passed on to his grandson Daniel Heyward (second date actually uknown))
Calendar Date: 1737 to 1775 (Southern portion of tract granted to Daniel Vernezobre)
Calendar Date: 1850 to 1866 (Northern tract owned by John M. Chisholm and family (Second date erroneous due to authors note that the family owned it until after the Civil War))
Calendar Date: 1736 to 1850 (Northern part of the tract granted to David Buche and kept as an estate)
Calendar Date: 1850 to 1865 (Deeds from Beaufort County, including the project tract, were burnt in two separate courthouse fires)
Calendar Date: 1899 to 1958 (Active years of The Old Garrett Cemetery)
Calendar Date: 1999 to 2004 (Land owned by the International Paper Company)
Calendar Date: 1966 to 1999 (Union Bag and Paper Company renamed to Union Camp Corporation and still owned the land)
Calendar Date: 1957 to 1966 (Land owned by the Union Bag and Paper Company)
Spatial Coverage
min long: -81.347; min lat: 31.841 ; max long: -80.8; max lat: 32.65 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Contact(s): Edward Blakely; Mark McDonald; Lamar Mercer; Ken Hance; Jonathan Leader
Contributor(s): Charles F. Phillips Jr.; Laura Tedesco; Brent Lansdell; Kristina Lanphear; Inna Moore; David Dellenbach; Brian Falls; Scott Kitchens; Jimmy LeFebre; Will Murray; Jamie Waters; Damon Jackson; Allison Wind; Erik Mischker; Jennifer Salo; Callie McLean
Principal Investigator(s): Gwendolyn Moore
Sponsor(s): SLF III - Hardeville, LLC; The South Carolina Department of Transportation
Prepared By(s): Brockington and Associates, Inc.
General Note: "The cultural resources survey resulted in the identification of eight archaeological sites (38JA1044–38JA1051) and eight isolated finds (Isolates 1–8). We recommend three sites (38JA1045, 38JA1047, and 38JA1050) potentially eligible and the remaining five sites (38JA1044, 38JA1046, 38JA1048, 38JA1049, and 38JA1051) and the eight isolated finds not eligible for the NRHP. Development of the project tract may affect the three potential historic properties (38JA1045, 38JA1047, and 38JA1050). These potentially eligible sites require preservation in place until Phase II evaluative testing can be conducted. Following testing, the sites will be determined eligible or not eligible for the NRHP. Sites determined not eligible require no further management. Sites that are eligible can be preserved in place through green spacing or complimentary uses or through Phase II data recovery investigations, at the owner’s discretion. After data recovery, sites generally require no further management. Should preservation of the potentially eligible sites (or eligible sites if any are determined such) be necessary under state or federal permits concerning the development of the tract, the owners should enter a Memorandum of Agreement with the appropriate regulatory agency(s) and the South Carolina State Historic Preservation Ooffice to ensure that these sites are managed in an appropriate fashion."
File Information
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stratford-parcel-13-final.pdf | 31.25mb | Jul 10, 2013 2:30:52 PM | Confidential | ||
redacted-stratford-parcel-13-final.pdf | 15.67mb | Jul 11, 2013 1:19:52 PM | Public |
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Contact(s): Jonathan Leader