Bronze Age Mobility in Montane Ecosystems of eastern Kazakhstan: a preliminary isotopic investigation

Author(s): Taylor Hermes

Year: 2015


The nature of mobility carries significant implications for social interaction in pastoral societies. This paper presents a preliminary analysis of radiogenic strontium and stable oxygen isotopes of domesticated fauna remains excavated from Bronze Age sites across the mountains of eastern Kazakhstan. Results are contextualized with the ecological and geographic backdrops surrounding the sites and placed into a diachronic perspective of pastoral interaction and herding strategy. This research helps to investigate how the Bronze Age herding populations of Central Asia seem to have driven larger social and cultural processes across the region while materially appearing to maintain insular community organization.

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Bronze Age Mobility in Montane Ecosystems of eastern Kazakhstan: a preliminary isotopic investigation. Taylor Hermes. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 397103)
