Site Distribution Patters at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore
Author(s): Ryan Hunter; Dawn Bringelson
Year: 2015
Recent work at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore has increased survey coverage, allowing for consideration of site distribution patterns within the dunes. Specifically, we focus on Native American short-term habitation sites located within the Tolleston dune formation. Although the eastern and western units of the park are separated by only approximately 5 miles of private land with industrial development, site densities differ significantly between the two units. These differences remain even when one controls for differences in survey intensity, types of sites identified, and general dune types. Several forms of soil analysis, including analysis of sediment particle size and optically stimulated luminescence, are considered at both site and non-site locations across the park to explore possible differences in dune formation and stability. Movement of sediments as dunes stabilize and destabilize can be seen through particle size sorting patterns and dates from optically stimulated luminescence. Through this, small-scale differences in environment are considered as explanations for habitation patterns, as well as for depositional processes affecting site identification.
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Site Distribution Patters at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Ryan Hunter, Dawn Bringelson. Presented at The 80th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, California. 2015 ( tDAR id: 397778)
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