Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-081: The Grass Mesa Locality Testing Program, 1979-1980

Author(s): G. Timothy Gross

Year: 1984


Eighteen sites were tested in the Grass Mesa Locality during the 1979 and 1980 field seasons. Test excavations, including both probability and jurlgmental excavation, were conducted at Hanging Rock Hamlet (Site 5MT4650), Cougar Springs Cave (Site 5MT4797), Quasimodo Cave (Site 5MT4789), Dos Cuartos House (Site 5MT2174), Calmate Shelter (Site 5MT4651), and DTA Site (Site 5MT5361). The remaining 12 sites were investigated through surface collection, occasionally augmented by shovel scraping or minimal excavation. The goal of the program was to obtain sufficient information to allow the placement of these sites in the Dolores Archaeological Program spatial and temporal systems with better accuracy than was possible from survey records alone. This report describes the investigations at each of these sites and discusses the structures, features, and artifacts encountered. Temporal and functional assignments a re made for each of the sites.

Cite this Record

Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports, DAP-081: The Grass Mesa Locality Testing Program, 1979-1980. G. Timothy Gross. Dolores Archaeological Program Technical Reports. Salt Lake City, Utah: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Upper Colorado Region. 1984 ( tDAR id: 398448) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8RN3BH0


Spatial Coverage

min long: -108.602; min lat: 37.464 ; max long: -108.481; max lat: 37.59 ;

Record Identifiers

Bureau of Reclamation Contract No.(s): 8-07-40-S0562


General Note: As of April 2015, this and additional reports are hosted on the US Bureau of Land Management, Dolores Archaeological Program website;

General Note: Those listed as contributors in the individual & institutional roles section were responsible for co-authoring specific sections of the report.

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