Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Silverking Substation and Microwave Repeater Station Survey, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona: Final Report for an Archaeological Survey of the Silverking Substation and an Associated Microwave Repeater Station, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona

Author(s): Donald E. Weaver, Jr.

Year: 1978


On March 17, 1978, the Museum of Northern Arizona conducted an archaeological survey of two land parcels in Tonto National Forest proposed by The Salt River Project for construction of the Silverking Substation and an associated microwave repeater station. Only one previously recorded site, NA14,132, was observed. Since the site probably post-dates 1948 and contains virtually no significant archaeological data, archaeological clearance for the two land parcels is recommended.

Cite this Record

Archaeological Investigations: Salt River Project Silverking Substation and Microwave Repeater Station Survey, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona: Final Report for an Archaeological Survey of the Silverking Substation and an Associated Microwave Repeater Station, Tonto National Forest, Pinal County, Arizona. Donald E. Weaver, Jr.. Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona, Department of Anthropology. 1978 ( tDAR id: 402795) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8402795

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -111.045; min lat: 33.321 ; max long: -111.02; max lat: 33.354 ;

Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager

Contributor(s): Martin McAllister

Project Director(s): Bettina Rosenberg; Donald E. Weaver, Jr.

Landowner(s): U. S. Forest Service

Sponsor(s): Salt River Project

Permitting Agency(s): U. S. Forest Service

Prepared By(s): Museum of Northern Arizona

Record Identifiers

Salt River Project Library Barcode No.(s): 00030498

Report No.(s): A-78-51

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  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
1978_Weaver_SilverkingSubstation.pdf 502.23kb Apr 5, 1978 Jul 8, 2016 2:29:18 PM Confidential
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Contact(s): Salt River Project Cultural Resource Manager