Inka Frontier Political Economy: The Kallawayas and Yampara

Author(s): Sonia Alconini

Year: 2016


In this paper I will evaluate the political economy of the ancient Inka imperial frontier in order to understand the ways in which competing border lords affiliated themselves to the empire, including associated processes of social competition, specialized production and changes in the indigenous local trajectories . In doing so, I will explore two Inka frontier segments. The first is located in the Yampara territory in the Southeastern region, and the second, in the central frontier in the Kallawaya region. Using regional-scale surveys, site excavations and comparison of the architecture and cultural materials, I will discuss the ways in which the Inka presence affected existing settlement trajectories, promoted changes in the exchange networks and local economies, and prompted the massive migration of mitmaqkuna colonies.

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Inka Frontier Political Economy: The Kallawayas and Yampara. Sonia Alconini. Presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando, Florida. 2016 ( tDAR id: 403783)


Empire Frontier Inka

Geographic Keywords
South America

Spatial Coverage

min long: -93.691; min lat: -56.945 ; max long: -31.113; max lat: 18.48 ;