Offing 2 Locus 2 archaeological site (Dawson Island, Patagonia, Chile), marine hunter-gatherers and interaction during the Late Holocene
Author(s): Flavia Morello Repetto; Jimena Torres; Victor Sierpe; Manuel San Roman
Year: 2016
The results of Offing 2 Locus 2 archaeological excavation are presented and used to discuss broader implications for Patagonia hunter-gatherer contexts of the Late Holocene. The site is located near Dawson Island, within a strategic geographical position between Fueguian-Patagonian archipelagos, South American. Radiocarbon dating states occupation around 800 years BP. Evidence is characteristic of shellmidden deposits and chronological evidence indicates a short occupational sequence. Lithic technology includes use and transport of green obsidian with predominant use of local rocks, and a wide typology of instruments as end-scrapers, side-scrapers and knives, common along the macro-region. As for projectile points they are predominantly stemmed but varied in typology and small size points are identified with bow-arrow weapons similar to those described for ethnographic collections.
Bone instruments consider wedges, retouchers and awls, among others, but the key characteristic instruments are harpoon points of one barb and simple-tenon base that are detachable, also described in historic-ethnographic times. Other fauna elements include guanaco bone remains (Lama guanicoe) and scallop shells (Chlamys sp.) both of exotic origin and decorated bird bone pendants. Subsistence strategies are dominated by pinniped exploitation, sea birds and fishing. Results are discussed in relation to cultural traits and interaction evidence.
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Offing 2 Locus 2 archaeological site (Dawson Island, Patagonia, Chile), marine hunter-gatherers and interaction during the Late Holocene. Flavia Morello Repetto, Jimena Torres, Victor Sierpe, Manuel San Roman. Presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando, Florida. 2016 ( tDAR id: 404547)
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Late Holocene
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South America
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min long: -93.691; min lat: -56.945 ; max long: -31.113; max lat: 18.48 ;