Regional Analysis of the Middle Woodland Deptford Period on the South Atlantic Slope

Author(s): Keith Stephenson; Karen Smith

Year: 2016


Middle Woodland sites of the Deptford period on the Atlantic Coastal Plain first received archaeological attention during the Great Depression. Aspects of Deptford settlement organization and its socio-political economies have been debated ever since. Models developed for interior-riverine sites in the Coastal Plain indicate that occupation differed between floodplain sites and those of the upland, inter-fluvial areas. Two extensive blocks with Deptford components were excavated at the Savannah River Site: the G.S. Lewis West site on the floodplain and 38AK155 in the uplands. Comparative analysis indicates differences in large-scale storage, mortuary behavior, complex pottery designs, craft specialization, and long-distance exchange.

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Regional Analysis of the Middle Woodland Deptford Period on the South Atlantic Slope. Keith Stephenson, Karen Smith. Presented at The 81st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Orlando, Florida. 2016 ( tDAR id: 404847)

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