America Loses a Star and Stripe. The First Full-Scale Battle of the Southern Winter Campaign of 1778-1779, the Battle of Brier Creek, Georgia.
Author(s): Daniel Battle
Year: 2016
One of America's bloodiest Revolutionary War Battlefields remained lost and poorly understood until recently. The use of LiDAR mapping and terrain analysis, metal detection, and cadaver dogs, characteristics of a complicated battlefield environ revealed themselves. The Battle of Brier Creek, Screven County, Georgia was the first open land engagement of the British Southern Winter Campaign of 1778-1779. It was also the first Patriot offensive in the South against an overwhelming British force invading Georgia on four fronts that resulted in a return of Georgia to a British Colony. The Continental Army had to build a strategy in the South in a rapid response. Clear leadership and military organization were a mess; the struggle to obtain effective arms for a growing army remained a critical need. This study in Conflict Archaeological has revealed weapon distributions, ammunition manufacture, battleline deployments, a house fort, encampments, and defensive posturing of an American Army.
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America Loses a Star and Stripe. The First Full-Scale Battle of the Southern Winter Campaign of 1778-1779, the Battle of Brier Creek, Georgia.. Daniel Battle. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Washington, D.C. 2016 ( tDAR id: 434670)
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