Early Modern Shipwrecks Database
Author(s): Filipe Castro; Cecilia Smith; Rakesh Kumar
Year: 2018
In the early 1990s J. Richard Steffy suggested that the body of data on shipbuilding characteristics from archaeological reports was growing and that soon it would be possible to use computers to analyze large sets of data. This paper describes a joint project of the J. Richard Steffy Ship Reconstruction Laboratory (ShipLAB) and Texas A&M Libraries to develop a database of early modern and modern wooden shipwrecks, and both its analytical possibilities, and the necessity to standardize the recording and publishing of a set of consistent and compatible basic construction features when archaeologists assess, survey, or excavate wooden shipwrecks.
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Early Modern Shipwrecks Database. Filipe Castro, Cecilia Smith, Rakesh Kumar. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2018 ( tDAR id: 441258)
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