Going paperless in Calabria: an open-source digital data collection workflow.

Author(s): Isaac Imran Taber Ullah

Year: 2018


In this paper I discuss the construction and deployment of a paperless data collection workflow that focuses on the use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) tools, such as GeoODK, Qfield, OpenDroneMap, QGIS, and GRASS, and "off-the-shelf" technology such as mobile tablet computers, Bluetooth GPS, and compact unmanned aerial vehicles. A focus on FOSS tools ensures availability to all, encourages reproducibility and open scientific methods, and fosters wide compatibility in data collection strategies and storage formats.. I will provide examples of how this workflow has been employed by the Historic Households Survey of the Bova Marina Archaeological Project, which is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The workflow was developed as part of the larger FOSS digital archaeology approach of the Computational Archaeology Laboratory at San Diego State University.

Cite this Record

Going paperless in Calabria: an open-source digital data collection workflow.. Isaac Imran Taber Ullah. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2018 ( tDAR id: 441325)

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