Fluted Point Variation in Glaciated Northeastern North America

Author(s): Jonathan Lothrop; Christopher Ellis

Year: 2018


Recent syntheses for the adjacent glaciated regions of the eastern Great Lakes (EGL) and New England-Maritimes (NEM) document similar fluted point sequences associated with early and middle Paleoindian populations. Current consensus holds that these fluted biface sequences fall within a time range of 13,000-11,600 calendar years before present, and probably derive from Clovis populations (or their immediate descendants) that colonized the glaciated landscapes of the Northeast from west and south. Here, we (1) discuss ongoing analyses of collections that provide additional insights on stylistic and technological variation through time in the glaciated Northeast, (2) draw comparisons with Clovis biface reduction sequences and forms, and (3) consider implications for the developmental relationships of these northeast fluted biface sequences to Clovis point technology.

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Fluted Point Variation in Glaciated Northeastern North America. Jonathan Lothrop, Christopher Ellis. Presented at The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC. 2018 ( tDAR id: 443800)

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Abstract Id(s): 21338