Ceramic Petrographers in the Americas: An Introduction to our Mission and Goals
Author(s): Yukiko Tonoike; Andrea Torvinen
Year: 2018
Founded in June 2017, the mission of the Ceramic Petrographers in the Americas (CPA) group is the promotion, discussion, and development of ceramic petrography in archaeology. Of principal interest is providing resources for those interested in employing ceramic petrography for their research and those who would like to pursue this method as a specialty. The group consists of archaeologists residing in the Americas who use optical petrography and other characterization techniques to infer the geological provenance of pottery and to study ceramic technology all around the world. This poster describes how the CPA formed, our goals, and information on how to connect with us and other petrographers based in the Americas.
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Ceramic Petrographers in the Americas: An Introduction to our Mission and Goals. Yukiko Tonoike, Andrea Torvinen. Presented at The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Washington, DC. 2018 ( tDAR id: 445098)
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Abstract Id(s): 20831