National Register Eligibility Testing Within a Portion of Lombeye Ruin (AZ T:12:109[ASM]/AZ T:12:15[PGM]), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona

Author(s): Andrea Stahman

Year: 2005


Northland Research, Inc. (Northland) has completed archaeological testing within a portion of Lombeye Ruin (AZ T:12:109[ASM]/AZ T:12:15[PGM]), a large, multicomponent Hohokam habitation site located along the Salt River in Phoenix, Arizona. The work was conducted for Courtland Homes, Inc. (Courtland) prior to the planned development of the property and in accordance with City of Phoenix Preservation Ordinance, Section 802(A.l) and A.R.S. § 41-865. The purpose of the testing was to determine if subsurface remains associated with Lombeye Ruin were present within the Courtland project area. Lombeye Ruin has been determined eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) based on its potential to contribute important information to the prehistory of the Phoenix Basin. Northland’s testing program was designed to determine if cultural remains within the Courtland project area were a contributing element to the National Register eligibility of the site.

The following report documents the results of Northland’s testing program. Fieldwork for the project took place September 12 and 13, 2005, under the direction of Andrea Stahman. All fieldwork was accomplished in the manner described in the testing proposal developed for the project (Stahman 2005a). Work was conducted in accordance with the City of Phoenix burial agreement by permission from City of Phoenix Archaeologist, Dr. Todd Bostwick. Systematic backhoe trenching was the main method used to determine if subsurface features were present. Seven backhoe trenches, totaling 140 linear meters, were excavated, resulting in the discovery of two subsurface features, both nonthermal pits.

Cite this Record

National Register Eligibility Testing Within a Portion of Lombeye Ruin (AZ T:12:109[ASM]/AZ T:12:15[PGM]), Phoenix, Maricopa County, Arizona, 116. Andrea Stahman. 2005 ( tDAR id: 448781) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8448781

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Spatial Coverage

min long: -112.131; min lat: 33.388 ; max long: -112.108; max lat: 33.403 ;

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Contact(s): City of Phoenix Archaeology Office

Prepared By(s): Northland Research, Inc.

Submitted To(s): Courtland Homes, Inc.

Record Identifiers

Northland Project No.(s): 05-60

Pueblo Grande Project(s): 2005-45

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COP-692_OCR_PDFA.pdf 15.16mb Nov 1, 2005 May 15, 2019 1:54:30 PM Confidential
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