Rescuing Collections from Us: The Tijeras Pueblo Story
Author(s): David Phillips; Karen Armstrong; Karen Price
Year: 2019
This is an abstract from the "Archaeology, Cultural Heritage, and Public Education at Tijeras Pueblo, New Mexico" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
Most of the archaeological collections from Tijeras Pueblo were submitted to the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology, University of New Mexico. As was typical at the time, the collections were stored in a warehouse, using non-archival materials, with only minimal records about what was stored where. Beginning in 2004 a massive effort, driven mostly by volunteer labor, led to the complete reorganization of the Tijeras Pueblo collections at the museum, and storage in a vastly improved space. This effort resulted is renewed research on Tijeras Pueblo, along with other public benefits. The history of the Tijeras Pueblo collections is a reminder that the project isn’t completed until the collections are actively cared for and ready for use.
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Rescuing Collections from Us: The Tijeras Pueblo Story. David Phillips, Karen Armstrong, Karen Price. Presented at The 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Albuquerque, NM. 2019 ( tDAR id: 451723)
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Geographic Keywords
North America: Northern Southwest U.S.
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min long: -123.97; min lat: 37.996 ; max long: -101.997; max lat: 46.134 ;
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Abstract Id(s): 23067