Final Report: Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042)


This document includes the Final Report titled "Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD." Additional resources are located at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory. For further information and access to resources contact the Federal Curator, contact information listed below.

Cite this Record

Final Report: Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042). R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc.. 1989 ( tDAR id: 455729) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8455729

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections


Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey Systematic Survey

Geographic Keywords
Prince George's (County)

Temporal Keywords
19th - 20th Century

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1863 to 1940 (Occupation Range)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -77.351; min lat: 38.702 ; max long: -76.722; max lat: 39.029 ;

Record Identifiers

Maryland Historical Trust Report #(s): PR 100

Site number(s): 18PR385

MAC Lab Accession Number(s): 2017.042

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
SuitlandFedCtr_FinalReport--5.pdf 11.02mb May 1, 1989 May 27, 2020 7:15:35 AM Confidential

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At least one of the files for this resource is restricted from public view. For more information regarding access to these files, please reference the contact information below

Contact(s): Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory Federal Curator