Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042)


This project contains documents pertaining to the 1989 Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters located at the Suitland Federal Center in Prince George's County, MD. This Phase I archaeological excavation was conducted for the Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Chesapeake Division by R. Christopher Goodwin & Associates, Inc.. Materials are now housed at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory in St. Leonard, MD. It was conducted to determine if the proposed site of the Naval Command Headquarters would interfere with existing archaeological resources. The study area included 45 acres located at the Suitland Federal Center between Swann Rd. off Suitland Parkway in Prince George's County, MD. The goals of this investigation were to identify and document historic and prehistoric resources in the project area, evaluate documented resources, and to make management recommendations for future construction. No previously recorded historic archaeological sites are located within the project area.

Archival research conducted found that the project parcel was part of a tract of land referred to as Frye's Friend Good Will Enlarged, and by the 1860s at least part of the current project area was owned by James A. Magruder followed by other property owners. Albert Carry began purchasing property in this tract of land in 1893, and operated a dairy farm during his ownership. By 1903 the Carry property had two additional houses built both used as tenant houses. Additionally, the Carry family had a house on the property located in the project area in line with these other two houses near Suitland Rd.. Field investigations consisted of pedestrian survey, surface collection, and 294 shovel tests. The 'impact' area was shovel tested at 20 m intervals and potential site areas were shovel tested at 5 m intervals to identify the site boundaries. This resulted with a total of 185 artifacts including historic ceramic sherds, glass, nails, and brick. The excavation identified the location of the southernmost tenant house that existed from the 1890s-1941 that was formerly owned by a black family located in 'site 1' now referred to as 18PR385.

Additional resources are located at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation lab. For further information and access to resources contact the Federal Curator, contact information listed below.

Cite this Record

Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042). ( tDAR id: 455727) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8455727

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections


Investigation Types
Reconnaissance / Survey Systematic Survey

Geographic Keywords
Prince George's (County)

Temporal Keywords
19th - 20th Century

Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 1863 to 1940 (Occupation Range)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -77.351; min lat: 38.702 ; max long: -76.722; max lat: 39.029 ;

Record Identifiers

Maryland Historical Trust Report #(s): PR 100

Site number(s): 18PR385

MAC Lab Accession Number(s): 2017.042

Source Collections

This collection and associated documents are currently located at the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab). Contact the MAC Lab's Curator of Federal Collections for further information.

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-3 of 3)


  1. Final Report: Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042) (1989)
  2. Scope of Work, Field Notes, Maps, and Photo Log, Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042) (1989)


  1. Artifact Inventory, Phase I Survey of 18PR385 for the Proposed Naval Command Headquarters at Suitland Federal Center, Prince George's County, MD (2017.042) (1989)