ROI041, An Archaeological Survey of Dearborn County, Indiana


An archaeological survey of Dearborn County, Indiana, was conducted under a Department of the Interior Historic Preservation Fund Survey and Planning Grant administered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology. Background research was conducted to correlate the existing site records and investigate the potential for archaeological resources within the county. Collector interviews were conducted and demonstrated the wealth of information in this data source. The background survey revealed that Dearborn County has tremendous potential for significant prehistoric and historic archaeological resources.

Prior to the survey 356 archaeological sites had been recorded for Dearborn County. This survey covered a total of 975 acres and recorded 125 new archaeological sites. Of the acreage surveyed, 875 were systematically surveyed while approximately 100 acres were nonsystematically covered during field checking site locations. Five previously recorded sites were resurveyed. While the survey was able to document the density and distribution of a sample of sites within several environmental zones within the county, due to survey conditions, the valley zone has been proportionally over sampled while the uplands remain under sampled.

3D models of the artifacts recovered from Report of Investigations 041, An Archaeological Survey of Dearborn County, Indiana, can be viewed using the following link:

Cite this Record

ROI041, An Archaeological Survey of Dearborn County, Indiana. Cindy K. Parish, Beth K. McCord. 1995 ( tDAR id: 463967) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8463967

This Resource is Part of the Following Collections



Early Archaic Early Woodland Historic Late Archaic Late Woodland Middle Archaic Middle Woodland Mississippian Unidentified Prehistoric Woodland

Building Materials Ceramic Chipped Stone Fauna Fire Cracked Rock Glass Ground Stone Human Remains Metal Shell

Site Name
12D102 12D119 12D123 12D124 12D137 12D145 12D146 12D195 12D196 12D247 12D249 12D250 12D251 12D252 12D253 12D254 12D255 12D256 12D257 12D258 12D259 12D260 12D261 12D262 12D263 12D264 12D265 12D266 12D267 12D268 12D269 12D270 12D271 12D306 12D377 12D379 12D380 12D381 12D382 12D383 12D384 12D385 12D386 12D387 12D388 12D389 12D390 12D391 12D392 12D393 12D394 12D395 12D396 12D397 12D398 12D399 12D401 12D402 12D403 12D404 12D405 12D406 12D407 12D408 12D409 12D410 12D411 12D412 12D413 12D414 12D415 12D416 12D417 12D418 12D419 12D420 12D421 12D422 12D423 12D424 12D425 12D426 12D427 12D428 12D429 12D432 12D433 12D434 12D435 12D436 12D437 12D438 12D439 12D440 12D441 12D442 12D443 12D444 12D445 12D446 12D447 12D448 12D449 12D450 12D451 12D452 12D458 12D459 12D460 12D461 12D462 12D463 12D464 12D465 12D466 12D467 12D468 12D469 12D470 12D471 12D472 12D473 12D474 12D475 12D476 12D477 12D478 12D479 12D480 12D481 12D482 12D483 12D484 12D485 12D491 12D492 12D493 12D51 12D98 Show More

Spatial Coverage

min long: -85.131; min lat: 38.943 ; max long: -84.824; max lat: 39.307 ;

Record Identifiers

Reports of Investigation(s): 041

File Information

  Name Size Creation Date Date Uploaded Access
ROI041-PDF-OCR-Marked_Redacted.pdf 219.95mb Aug 21, 2024 1:46:45 PM Public
ROI041-PDF-OCR.pdf 36.32mb Aug 21, 2024 1:46:44 PM Confidential