Vulnerability and Values: Things to Consider for Site Prioritization

Author(s): Anne Jensen

Year: 2021


This is an abstract from the "Beyond Triage: Prioritizing Responses to Climate Change Impacts on Archaeological Resources" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Archaeological sites are threatened in various ways by accelerating environmental change. The scale and urgency of the threat requires new models for funding, education and recruitment of staff, engagement with the public, and long-term curation of rescued samples. One critical issue is how to prioritize sites for recording or salvage, since we cannot save them all, or even come close. To be able to use limited resources for the maximum benefit of all stakeholders, a broadly applicable transparent prioritization scheme is highly desirable. This poster focuses on what sorts of things should be considered in prioritization to achieve this goal.

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Vulnerability and Values: Things to Consider for Site Prioritization. Anne Jensen. Presented at The 86th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2021 ( tDAR id: 467124)

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 32410