Bottles and Beads: Glass Objects at Fort Mose
Author(s): Lori Lee
Year: 2021
This is an abstract from the "SAA 2021: General Sessions" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
Classification systems that focus on primary function can obscure the cultural significance of objects for the people who used them. Glass bottles store liquids and glass beads are used for adornment. Yet these same objects sometimes had unique cultural meanings for Africans and African Americans who used them. In large assemblages bottles often get analytically separated from beads because of primary function. In a small assemblage, we have the opportunity to explore relationships among objects made of the same material with different primary functions. This paper examines attributes of glass objects recovered at Fort Mose in St. Augustine, Florida and their contexts to consider cultural insights beyond practical function.
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Bottles and Beads: Glass Objects at Fort Mose. Lori Lee. Presented at The 86th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2021 ( tDAR id: 467804)
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African Diaspora
Historical Archaeology
Geographic Keywords
North America: Southeast United States
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min long: -93.735; min lat: 24.847 ; max long: -73.389; max lat: 39.572 ;
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Abstract Id(s): 33564