Development of a Learning Game for the Submerged Ice Age site of Hoyo Negro, Mexico


This is an abstract from the session entitled "Paper / Report Submission (General Sessions)" , at the 2022 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

The diverse and well-preserved assemblage of Late Pleistocene fauna, as well as the presence of a Paleoamerican individual in the submerged cave of Hoyo Negro, offer a unique opportunity for interactive game-based exploration derived from the research-oriented digital twin of the site. The game is aligned with Next Generation Science Standards for middle school students and is designed to provide learning experiences that touch upon the following topics: underwater archaeological documentation and conservation, peopling of the Americas, paleobiology, climate change, and speleology. Digital documentation and virtualization efforts of the Hoyo Negro Project were translated into a gamification design by the Power of NeuroGaming (PoNG) lab at UC San Diego, which creates training and skills development experiences for neurodiverse students and young professionals. Our goal is to excite students about the world of archaeological and paleontological exploration and research, which is open and accessible to everyone.

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Development of a Learning Game for the Submerged Ice Age site of Hoyo Negro, Mexico. Dominique Rissolo, Corly Huang, Qiming Chen, Vid Petrovic, Alberto Nava Blank, Helena Barba Meineke, Falko Kuester, Leanne Chukoskie. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Philadelphia, PA. 2022 ( tDAR id: 469556)

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