A Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 27 Miles of the Existing and Proposed New Alignment of State Route 88 Between Tonto National Monument and Claypool, Gila County, Arizona

Author(s): David D. Barz

Year: 1996


Archaeological Research Services, Inc. (ARS) performed a Class m (Intensive Field Inventory) cultural resources (archaeological) survey within a 300-to-600 ft wide corridor through both previously surveyed and unsurveyed Tonto National Forest (TNF), Tonto National Monument administered by the National Park Service (NPS), Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), and private land for the proposed upgrade of State Route 88 (SR 88) between Roosevelt and Claypool, Gila County, Arizona (ADOT Project No. F-038-1-308 [PE]; TRACS #088 GI 245 H2726 0lD). The survey was conducted at the request of RUST Environment and Infrastructure Inc. of Phoenix (RUST E&I Project No. 17618), and was performed under the conditions and authority of U.S. Tonto National Forest Special-Use Permit No. 2025-16.

Submitted: November 3, 1995

Revised: April 26, 1996

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A Cultural Resources Survey of Approximately 27 Miles of the Existing and Proposed New Alignment of State Route 88 Between Tonto National Monument and Claypool, Gila County, Arizona. David D. Barz. 1996 ( tDAR id: 475231) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8475231

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Individual & Institutional Roles

Contact(s): Daniel Garcia

Contributor(s): Jeremy A. Lite; Gregory R. Woodall

Prepared By(s): Archaeological Research Services, Inc.

Submitted To(s): RUST Environment and Infrastructure Inc.

Record Identifiers

ADOT Project No.(s): F-038-1-308 (PE)

Archaeological Research Services, Inc. Project Report No.(s): 95-84

TRACS No.(s): 088 GI 245 H2726 01D

RUST E&I Project No.(s): 17618

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Barz-1996-Survey-of-27-Miles-of-State-Route-88.pdf 325.66mb Apr 6, 2023 1:42:15 PM Confidential

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Contact(s): Daniel Garcia