Excavations at 48CR103 Near Savery Creek, Carbon County, Wyoming

Author(s): James Gillentine; Dee Ann Espinoza

Year: 2012


Data recovery excavations were conducted at 48CR103 in southern Carbon County, Wyoming. A single component was identified consisting of at least three features. Soil profiles from these excavations indicated a deflated dunal setting which experienced a high degree of erosion from extensive livestock grazing and extended drought conditions. While no radiometric datable material was recovered, lithic tools suggest a Middle to Late Plains Archaic Period of occupation. Artifacts and features show the area was lightly used by small groups of hunter-gatherers and likely represents a seasonal hunting camp.

Cite this Record

Excavations at 48CR103 Near Savery Creek, Carbon County, Wyoming. James Gillentine, Dee Ann Espinoza. The Wyoming Archaeologist. 56 (2): 21-37. 2012 ( tDAR id: 476488) ; doi:10.48512/XCV8476488

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Contact(s): Marcia Peterson

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