Worlds Prefigured: Settler-Colonialism, Anarchism, Indigeneity, and the Dawn of Everything

Author(s): Lewis Borck

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "In Defense of Everything! Constructive Engagements with Graeber and Wengrow’s Provocative Contribution" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

For many, *The Dawn of Everything* emerges as a watershed moment in their perception of a new history, how that history impacts the present, and the implications these cast on the future. For others, it is a brazenly biased distortion of history. For still more, the book creates waves of revelation while simultaneously leaving them awash in confusion as they grapple with the scope of the watershed, which tributaries were embraced, and which were left out to dry. It is after all impossible to cite everyone, but because of the scope of impact of *Dawn of Everything* these choices wield the power of a political manifesto. This paper, anchored in Indigenous and anarchist theory and praxis, will navigate what worlds *Dawn of Everything* might be prefiguring through those choices.

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Worlds Prefigured: Settler-Colonialism, Anarchism, Indigeneity, and the Dawn of Everything. Lewis Borck. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 497705)


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Abstract Id(s): 40424.0