Late Pleistocene / Early Holocene Human Occupation along the Tietê River, São Paulo State, Brazil

Author(s): Astolfo Araujo; Letícia Correa

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "“The South Also Exists”: The Current State of Prehistoric Archaeology in Brazil: Dialogues across Different Theoretical Approaches and Research Agendas" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

The Tietê River is historically known as one of the main human displacement axes between the eastern portion of SE Brazil and the inner portions of the continent, being navigable for most of its course. The use of this waterway back to a distant past can be inferred, but up to now, the archaeological evidence along the Tietê is scarce, both because of a lack of academic interest and the failure of previous CRM reports to convey basic information about the sites (either in terms of lithic and ceramic classification or even to provide any ages). The scope of this paper is to present new data about the late Pleistocene / early Holocene occupation along the Tietê River, gathered during a CRM survey on the shores of two dams related to hydroelectric powerplants, as well as inserting these data into a broader scenario that can be of help in understanding the peopling of Eastern South America.

Cite this Record

Late Pleistocene / Early Holocene Human Occupation along the Tietê River, São Paulo State, Brazil. Astolfo Araujo, Letícia Correa. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 497935)

Spatial Coverage

min long: -60.82; min lat: -39.232 ; max long: -28.213; max lat: 14.775 ;

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 38695.0