A Report on a Late Woodland Period Dugout Canoe from Cape Porpoise, Maine, USA


This is an abstract from the "What’s Canoe? Recent Research on Dugouts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

In 2018, the Cape Porpoise Archaeological Alliance (CPAA) located a dugout canoe during a surface survey of the Cape Porpoise tidal flats in Kennebunkport, Maine. A sample of the canoe dated to between 1275 and 1380 cal AD making it the oldest known from the region. Professional archaeologists and volunteers excavated the canoe from the intertidal in the summer of 2019 for analysis and conservation. This research provides new insight into precontact watercraft technology in the Far Northeast and emphasizes the promise of citizen science initiatives for identifying and recovering delicate archaeological materials that are exposed and under threat from rapidly changing coastlines.

Cite this Record

A Report on a Late Woodland Period Dugout Canoe from Cape Porpoise, Maine, USA. Tim Spahr, Arthur Anderson, Gabriel Hrynick, Gemm-Jayne Hundgell, Arthur Spiess. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 498217)


Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 38812.0