Bridging the Divide between Industry and Educators: Preparing Future Archaeologists

Author(s): Kelly Jenks; Lauren Jelinek

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "Building Bridges: Papers in Honor of Teresita Majewski" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Preparing students to work in heritage management is a difficult and increasingly urgent task. Some of the biggest challenges faced by educators include large student-to-teacher ratios, the logistical demands of transporting students to and from project areas, the expense of purchasing and maintaining appropriate equipment and software licenses, and the time and effort required to supervise students and comply with reporting requirements. Students desperately need real field and technical writing experience to be effective in this industry. Additionally, the industry as a whole needs more qualified archaeologists to meet growing demand. One potential solution to some of these challenges is for universities to partner with land-managing agencies on survey and site recording projects. This paper describes previous and ongoing efforts to work with federal, state, and municipal partners on projects that train students in the practice of heritage management.

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Bridging the Divide between Industry and Educators: Preparing Future Archaeologists. Kelly Jenks, Lauren Jelinek. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 498466)

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Abstract Id(s): 39727.0