Resource Networks of Sanxingdui

Author(s): Li Haichao

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "Resources and Society in Ancient China" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Located in southwest China, Sanxingdui is well-known for its outstanding and unique bronzes as well as gold, jade, and other high-value artifacts. However, the origin and circulation of these precious resources have not been disclosed. The author believes that the strategic location contributed greatly to the prosperity of Sanxingdui. It was located at the crossroads of several important civilizations. In the north, the Shang Dynasty connected Sanxingdui with bronzes and other resources. To the south, large amounts of cowries and ivories probably circulated from South/Southeast Asia to Sanxingdui and even transferred further to Yinxu. Sanxingdui acted as the transfer connection between the south and north. To the west, many ideas and techniques of Sanxingdui such as gold, beaten bronzes, divine trees, and animals were probably related to Central/West Asia. To the east, Sanxingdui connected the cultures in the middle and lower Yangtze River by Zun, Lei vessels, and other items. Together, the different Yangtze River cultures formed a culture belt and interacted with the Shang Dynasty. Sanxingdui formed a complex network with its peripheral cultures that provides a new perspective to better understand the site and region.

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Resource Networks of Sanxingdui. Li Haichao. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 498594)

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min long: 70.4; min lat: 17.141 ; max long: 146.514; max lat: 53.956 ;

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Abstract Id(s): 38300.0