Visualizing the Vergennes Archaic: Using 3D Imaging to Highlight the Importance of Vermont’s Ketcham’s Island Site

Author(s): Devyn Cabral; Hannah Ferry; Matthew Moriarty

Year: 2024


This is an abstract from the "Capturing and Sharing Vermont’s Past: 3D Imaging as a Tool for Undergraduate Research and Community Engagement" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

The Ketcham’s Island (KI) site in Brandon, VT provides an important window into the lifeways of Vermont’s native peoples in the Late Archaic period, including residential structures, extensive tool kits, and subsistence strategies. Despite the significance of Ketcham’s Island to local history, though, few Vermonters are aware of the site and detailed information about the site is not easily accessible to either academic researchers or members of the general public; artifact collections are dispersed and the site itself is not easily visited. In this poster, we present efforts to bring information about the Ketcham’s Island site both to a general audience and the broader academic community. These initiatives include airborne photogrammetry to bring the past environment to life, as well as 3D scanning and printing of Ketcham’s Island artifacts from around the state. Artifact models are now united digitally, provided easier access to researchers, while 3D printed replicas are being used in community outreach events. Together, these efforts have produced data for more in-depth academic research and helped make the early history of Vermont come alive for members of the general public.

Cite this Record

Visualizing the Vergennes Archaic: Using 3D Imaging to Highlight the Importance of Vermont’s Ketcham’s Island Site. Devyn Cabral, Hannah Ferry, Matthew Moriarty. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499231)

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 39977.0