Macedonian presence on the Crnobuki Gradiste Riches to Rags: Year 1


This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

Cal Poly Humboldt and the Museum Bitola initiated a long term research project in the Pelagonia region of North Macedonia, this paper presents the results of the initial field season. Our expectations were that the site was the location of a remote Macedonian garrison defending against Roman incursions. We conducted excavations, remote sensing and in depth grey literature research in 2023 and discovered a complex fortress area with extensive habitation areas, workshops, artifact deposits, deeper time depth than expected, and tantalizing previous work that all points towards a significant Macedonian City existed at this location that persisted through Roman conquest. Remote sensing data, excavation data, and past archaeological work are analyzed and presented.

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Macedonian presence on the Crnobuki Gradiste Riches to Rags: Year 1. Nick Angeloff, Mark Castro, Marisol Cortez-Rincon, Engin Nasuh. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499391)

Spatial Coverage

min long: 19.336; min lat: 41.509 ; max long: 53.086; max lat: 70.259 ;

Record Identifiers

Abstract Id(s): 37968.0