Unraveling Indigenous Histories in the Upper Itajai Valley (Santa Catarina State, Brazil): Insights from Archaeological Research at the Tobias Wagner Site


This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.

The Upper Itajai Valley, nestled within Santa Catarina, Brazil, has stood as the enduring homeland of the Laklãnõ-Xokleng people for centuries—a testament to their remarkable resilience despite persistent struggles for land and social rights. Against this backdrop, we present new archaeological findings from the Tobias Wagner site, which comprises 18 pithouses and their immediate surroundings. Our presentation builds upon data collected during the fall fieldwork season of 2023, examining three distinct pithouses and three external areas. Each of these areas unravels unique insights into the lives of past inhabitants. Through a comprehensive analysis of chronological, technological, and archaeobotanical data, we reveal the construction processes, patterns of use, and nuanced continuities and changes that span more than a millennium at the Tobias Wagner Site.

This research represents a crucial stride toward constructing a comprehensive, long-term history of Indigenous presence in the region, transcending the European invasion of the Americas. These Indigenous Histories are intricately woven with material remains, oral traditions, and collective memory. Consequently, our investigation of the Tobias Wagner site deepens our understanding of pithouses and explores how the Laklãnõ-Xokleng ontology may inform the interpretation of archaeological records, making a valuable contribution to the broader field of Southern Je Archaeology.

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Unraveling Indigenous Histories in the Upper Itajai Valley (Santa Catarina State, Brazil): Insights from Archaeological Research at the Tobias Wagner Site. Lucas Bond Reis, Thiago Umberto Pereira, Walderes Cocta Priprá, Fabiana Teerhag Merencio, Gabriela Oppitz. Presented at The 89th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. 2024 ( tDAR id: 499696)


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min long: -60.82; min lat: -39.232 ; max long: -28.213; max lat: 14.775 ;

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Abstract Id(s): 39687.0