Exploring Deepwater World War II Battlefields in the Pacific Using Emerging Technologies


This is an abstract from the session entitled "Exploration-Forward Archaeology Through Community-Driven Research", at the 2024 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology.

This paper outlines an interdisciplinary, community inclusive project which brings together historians, archaeologists, biologists, conservation scientists, photogrammetry specialists, GIS specialists, veterans and Micronesian researchers to focus on archaeological and biological research of WWII underwater cultural heritage in the waters of Saipan. The project leveraged existing bathymetric lidar to conduct machine learning to identify targets in waters up to 50 meters deep. Known and previously unknown sites were sampled for eDNA and corrosion measurements and recorded using diver-based and ROV photogrammetry technology. This data will contribute to questions about the health of these sites and their long term preservation, lending more information to how the sites function within the region’s Blue Economy. Collaboration with veterans for an adaptive rehabilitative event was held on island to train veterans in citizen science skills and engagement with local Micronesian non-profits and schools provided opportunities for knowledge creation and exchange.

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Exploring Deepwater World War II Battlefields in the Pacific Using Emerging Technologies. Jennifer McKinnon, David Benavente, Toni Carrell. Presented at Society for Historical Archaeology, Oakland, California. 2024 ( tDAR id: 501300)


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Contact(s): Nicole Haddow