Submerged Cultural Resources Site Report, Charles H. Spencer Mining Operation and Paddle Wheel Steamboat, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Author(s): Toni Carrell

Year: 1987


This study of the remains of a historic industrial mining site and a historic wooden vessel located in the downstream river corridor of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area has been designed within a park management framework. The project was geared toward generating information that would be useful in cultural resources site interpretation, visitor safety, protection, and conservation; in meeting Federal compliance requirements; in contributing to the story of the park and the maritime history of the region; and in answering questions of general archeological and historical interest.

Cite this Record

Submerged Cultural Resources Site Report, Charles H. Spencer Mining Operation and Paddle Wheel Steamboat, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Toni Carrell. 1987 ( tDAR id: 92719) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8QZ27Z5

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min long: -110.914; min lat: 37.26 ; max long: -110.656; max lat: 37.391 ;

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Sponsor(s): National Park Service

Record Identifiers

NADB document id number(s): 2000791

NADB citation id number(s): 000000147424

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submerged-cultural-resources-report--charles-h-spencer-mining-... 11.02mb Nov 2, 2011 12:55:21 PM Public