Composite Artifact Photographs, Field School at the Biface III Site (12MI18) 1981-1982
Part of the Field School at the Biface III Site (12MI18) 1981-1982 project
Creator(s): Veterans Curation Program
Year: 2012
Photographs of composite artifacts collected during excavations of the Field School at the Biface III Site (12MI18) 1981-1982 located in Huntington, Miami, and Wabash counties, Indiana.
Cite this Record
Composite Artifact Photographs, Field School at the Biface III Site (12MI18) 1981-1982. Veterans Curation Program. Norcross, GA: Brockington and Associates, Inc.. Applied Archaeology Laboratories, Ball State University ( tDAR id: 399713) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8H70HKG
This Resource is Part of the Following Collections
Site Name
Investigation Types
Data Recovery / Excavation
Heritage Management
Historic Background Research
Site Evaluation / Testing
Collections Management
Shotgun Shell Casings
Geographic Keywords
Huntington (County)
Indiana (State / Territory)
Miami (County)
Mississinewa Reservoir
Mississinewa Reservoir Drainage
Peru, Indiana
Wabash (County)
Spatial Coverage
min long: -86.112; min lat: 40.625 ; max long: -85.729; max lat: 40.775 ;
Individual & Institutional Roles
Landowner(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District
Repository(s): Applied Archaeology Laboratories, Ball State University
Prepared By(s): Veterans Curation Program
Submitted To(s): US Army Corps of Engineers, Louisville District
General Note: The digital materials in this collection were processed by the Veterans Curation Program (VCP), and include the artifact database, artifact photographs, artifact report, finding aid, oversized material spreadsheet and scanned asset key. Additional digital materials held by the VCP include accession file, additional artifact photographs, artifact care/methodology, artifact sketches, document folder listings, excavation unit summary records, field catalogue records, field notes, drafts of field reports, initial data sheet, letters of correspondence, maps, maps of trench orientation and location, oversized material labels, photographic material excel spreadsheet, project objectives, project proposals, records removal sheet, slide labels, stratigraphy records, and a thesis related to the archaeological site. For additional information on these materials, refer to the Finding Aid.
Source Collections
'Field School at the Biface III Site (12MI18) 1981-1982' collection stored at Applied Archaeology Laboratories, Ball State University
File Information
Name | Size | Creation Date | Date Uploaded | Access | |
004-078.1a.JPG | 1.76mb | Oct 22, 2015 9:14:42 AM | Public | ||
Shotgun shell, from site 12MI222 |