Hedgpeth Hills Rock Art Recording and Investigations


This project contains documents relating to the rock art recording and investigations that were conducted by J. Simon Bruder during the early 1980s. The documents associated with this project include a synthesis report of fieldwork, field maps of the Hedgpeth Hills, and locality record sheets for each rock art panel.

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Hedgpeth Hills Rock Art Recording and Investigations. ( tDAR id: 379094) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8Z039KZ

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min long: -112.177; min lat: 33.651 ; max long: -112.14; max lat: 33.697 ;

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Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-3 of 3)

  • Documents (3)


  1. Archaeological Investigations at the Hedgpeth Hills Petroglyph Site (1983)
  2. Hedgpeth Hills: Locality I Record Sheets (1980)
  3. Hedpeth Hills: Site Locality Maps (1983)