Archaeological Prospection for Ring-Midden Features in Southeastern New Mexico Using Lidar Data: An Experimental Study


SRI conducted an archaeological survey for ring-midden features using lidar data in three localities in the foothills of the Guadalupe Mountains and Sacramento Mountains in southeastern New Mexico. The unique shape and prominence of ring middens were identified by remote sensing data and then verified in the field within the sampled areas. The result supports the use of lidar data for project scoping and landscape-level studies, but cannot substitute for Section 106 inventory due to the inability of remote sensing data to identify disturbed or low-relief ring middens.

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Archaeological Prospection for Ring-Midden Features in Southeastern New Mexico Using Lidar Data: An Experimental Study. ( tDAR id: 399004) ; doi:10.6067/XCV8MC91DZ

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Temporal Coverage

Calendar Date: 200 to 1300 (relative dates based on ceramics)

Individual & Institutional Roles

Prepared By(s): Statistical Research, Inc.

Submitted To(s): Bureau of Land Management, Carlsbad Field Office, New Mexico

Record Identifiers

Project Number(s): 12PB02

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no materials were collected

Resources Inside this Project (Viewing 1-2 of 2)

  • Documents (2)


  1. Archaeological Prospection for Ring-Midden Features in Southeastern New Mexico Using Lidar Data: An Experimental Study (2015)
  2. An Experimental Project to Conduct Digital Survey for Ring-Midden Features Using Lidar Data (2015)