Mogollon (Culture Keyword)

2,351-2,375 (3,385 Records)

Archaeological Studies: The Salt River Project, Coronado Generating Station, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line, Sitgreaves National Forest: Assessment of Cultural Remains at Tower 270 (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text William S. Marmaduke. Steve Dosh.

On March 14, 1978, William Marmaduke and Steven Dosh, archaeologists at the Museum of Northern Arizona, conducted a field assessment of "Tower 270 site" located at Tower 270 of the Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line within the Sitgreaves National Forest. Work included surface collection of all exposed artifacts and test excavation for buried cultural material. The Salt River Project, owner of the Silverking Line, had requested the assessment after the Sitgreaves National Forest made it a...

Archaeological Survey and Small-Scale Excavation in the Salado Draw Watershed, Lea County, New Mexico (redacted) (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Samuel Cason. Michael Heilen. Phillip Leckman. Taylor McCoy.

This report is a component of an undertaking entitled Salado Draw Archaeological Survey, Small-Scale Excavation, and Geomorphological Characterization, General Services Administration Contract No. GS- 10F-0396P. The work was commissioned by the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Manage- ment– (BLM–) Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) as part of research to be carried out under the Permian Basin Programmatic Agreement, Blanket Purchase Agreement No. 11, Contract No. L14PA00010. It...

Archaeological Survey and Test Excavations at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona (1994)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David H. Greenwald. Richard Anduze. Mary-Ellen Walsh-Anduze.

Archaeological investigations at Williams Air Force Base (WAFB), located in southeast Maricopa County, Arizona, were initiated in response to the 1991 Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission’s (the Closure Commission) recommendation to close WAFB following the passage of the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 (the Closure Act) (Public Law 101-510, Title XXIX). Prior to closure or realignment of base facilities, preparation of an environment impact statement (EIS) was...

An Archaeological Survey of the Santa Cruz River Valley from the Headwaters to the Town of Tubac in Arizona (1941)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Edward Bridge Danson.

The Santa Cruz River is located in south-central Arizona in the Santa Cruz and Pima Counties. A short stretch of the rivers lies in northern Sonora and forms a big horseshoe bend as the river cuts across the foot of the Patagonia Mountains from the San Rafael Valley into the Santa Cruz Valley proper. In the San Rafael Valley, where the headwaters of the river are found, the Santa Cruz passes few towns or villages. The first one is Lochiel, a small cluster of houses on the International...

Archaeological Survey Report of Federal Land for the Proposed K.B. Kennedy Engineering Company Natural Gas Pipeline Right-Of-Way in Southeastern New Mexico (1975)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John E. Beimly.

This document is a report by the Eastern New Mexico Division of Conservation Archaeology, of Portales, New Mexico, conducted in June, 1975, under th direction of Dr. Cynthia Irwin-Williams, contracted with K.B. Kennedy Engineering Co., of Roswell, New Mexico. The purpose of the survey was to thoroughly search the proposed fifty foot right-of-way and adjacent land for any prehistoric or historic sites of archaeological interest and to recommend methods to mitigate any impact construction...

Archaeological Surveys of Access Roads for APS and SRP Towers: APS 263-286 (Inclusive) 302, SRP 263-285 (Inclusive) 302, Additional Survey: Realignment of F. S. Road 202 East of the Q Ranch for the APS Cholla-Saguaro 500 kV Transmission Line (1977)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Linda Mayro.

An archaeological clearance survey has been carried out on a portion of land managed by Tonto National Forest for proposed tower access roads. These access roads are being constructed by Arizona Public Service for the proposed APS Chollo-Saguaro 500 kV Transmission Line. The archaeological surveys were performed in accordance with the interim survey procedures outlined in the October 13, 1976 letter by Martin McAllister. It states that "access roads (14 feet wide) and a buffer zone of 50 feet...

Archaeological Test Excavations and Plan for Data Recovery at AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona (1993)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark Slaughter. David A. Phillips, Jr..

From January 25 to March 5, 1993, SWCA, Inc. Environmental Consultants conducted an archaeological testing program at AZ BB:9:50 (ASM), the Gibbon Springs Site, Pima County, Arizona. The test excavations were conducted for the Perini Land and Development Company, in conformance with Pima County regulations for grading permits. The plan of work for testing (SWCA 1993) was developed in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the Centre for Archaeological Field Training, Pima Community...

Archaeological Testing Within the Upper Tonto Basin the Rye Creek Project (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Mark D. Elson. Deborah L. Swartz.

The archaeological testing of 19 sites within a 5.4 mile (8.7 km) stretch of State Route 87 in the Upper Tonto Basin of central Arizona provided a wealth of new and significant information on the prehistory of this little known area. The testing was undertaken to determine the cultural significance of the 19 sites prior to an Arizona Department of Transportation road widening and realignment construction project (ADOT Project Number F -053-1-315PE ). Investigated site types include small...

An Archaeological Treatment Plan for Two Sites in the Concho East Well Field, Apache County, Arizona (2001)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Douglas R. Mitchell. Dennis Gilpin.

This document represents a treatment plan that is designed to conduct eligibility testing and data recovery at two archaeological sites within the Concho East Well field project area. SWCA, Inc. conducted a cultural resource survey at the request of Salt River Project (SRP) north of Concho, Apache County, Arizona in November 2000, which involved a 10,613-foot-long, 100-foot wide corridor and a total of 110 acres in four parcels adjacent to the corridor. SRP is proposing to construct two new...

The Archaeology and History of Fort Stanton Cave (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Kye Miller.

This is a informative public pamphlet concerning rock art within Fort Stanton Cave.

The Archaeology of Chiricahua National Park
PROJECT Uploaded by: Joshua Watts

WACC reports on survey and excavation projects within the boundaries of the Chiricahua National Park.

The Archaeology of Gila Cliff Dwellings, New Mexico
PROJECT National Park Service.

WACC reports of archaeological excavation and survey projects within Gila Cliff Dwellings National Park, New Mexico.

The Archaeology of Petrified Forest National Park
PROJECT Uploaded by: Sophia Kelly

WACC reports on survey and excavation projects within the boundaries of the Petrified Forest National Park.

Archeological Investigations, Salt River Project, Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line East of Forest Service Boundary to APS-SRP, Joint Corridor, Private and Federal Lands, Navajo County, Arizona: Report for Archeological Survey of the Proposed Coronado-Silverking Transmission Line East of Forest Service Boundary to APS-SRP Joint Corridor (Station 3969+69.75 to 4377+01.91) (1978)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Dana Hartman. David Kuehn.

An intensive archeological survey of about 7.7 mi. of Salt River Project (SRP) Coronado-Silverking 500 KV transmission line easement extending from just east of the Sitgreaves National Forest to the APS-SRP Joint Corridor was conducted by Museum of Northern Arizona archeologists in December, 1977. The survey was requested by Bettina Rosenberg, SRP Archeological Administrator, in a letter dated December 12, 1977. The survey was conducted and this report prepared under the stipulations and...

An Archeological Overview of Petrified Forest National Park (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Yvonne G. Stewart.

Although Petrified Forest National Park was set aside as a natural park, it is an archeological gold mine, with over 300 sites recorded in the southern half alone. The sites exhibit an unbroken culture history sequence from the Archaic period until shortly before the arrival of Europeans in that part of the Southwest. They contain information about the change from hunting and gathering to agriculture, relationships between the environment and settlement pattern, relationships between major...

Archeological Survey Report for Geophysical Service, Inc. Little Lucky Lake Prospect Seismic Testing Lines No. 1 and No. 2 Situated on Federal Lands in Chaves County New Mexico (1984)
DOCUMENT Full-Text James E. Hunt. Robert J. Martin.

Pecos Archeological Consultants undertook the archeological survey of two easements scheduled to be impacted by Geophysical Service, Inc. These easements are situated on federal lands in Chaves County, New Mexico. Ten archeological sites were recorded during this survey. Pecos Archeological Consultants is recommending that clearance be granted to Geophysical Service, Inc. project as planned, provided the archeological sites are avoided.

The Archeology of Gila Cliff Dwellings (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Keith M. Anderson. Gloria J. Fenner. Don P. Morris. George A. Teague. Charmion McKusick.

Although Gila Cliff Dwellings has been known for over 100 years, and has been protected as a national monument since 1907, its archeology was never systematically reported. Several years ago, four of the authors of this report (Anderson, Fenner, Morris, and Tesgue) decided to correct this situation, working, as time permitted, with the records and artifacts stored at the monument and in the Western Archeological and Conservation Center. In the final year of report writing, the Southwestern...

Architecture Data from greater Cibola Region (2018)
DATASET Matthew Peeples.

Architectural measurement and feature data associated with Peeples (2018) Connected Communities book

Artifact and Rock Distributions at Pueblo la Plata (2004)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Lisa Baldwin. Caitlin Wichlacz.

Artifact and rock distributions were noticeably different across the landscape surrounding Pueblo La Plata. By sampling artifact and rock densities along three transects, we attempted to determine what the independent distribution patterns were for artifacts and for rocks. By combining our results, we hoped to see whether or not there was a correlation between artifact and rock densities across the site. We expected to see a drop in artifact densities farther from the pueblo, where less human...

Artifact Data from Surface Collections and Observations at Legacies Sites (2004)
DATASET Legacies on the Landscape Project, Arizona State University.

Artifact Data from Surface Collections and Observations at Legacies Sites

Artifact Description and Proveniences for the Ringo Site, Southeastern Arizona (1963)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Alfred E. Johnson. Raymond H. Thompson.

During the summer of 1962, the archaeological field school of the University of Arizona conducted excavations at the Ringo site situated on the west slope of the Chiricahua Mountains in Cochise County, Arizona. The Ringo site was essentially Mogollon with late additions from the Western Pueblo region. It was occupied in the period between A.D. 1250 and 1325. Significant information derived from the site is summarized in AMERICAN ANTIQUITY, Vol. 28, No. 4. The present report includes detailed...

Asiatic Echoes - The Identification of Ancient Chinese Pictograms in pre-Columbian North American Rock Writing, 3rd edition 2021 (2021)
DOCUMENT Full-Text John Ruskamp.

This book introduces previously unrecognized ancient written evidence that in pre-Columbian times multiple intellectual exchanges took place between Asiatic and North American populations. Using the novel integration of the legal concept of substantial similarity with the comparative statistical tool of Jaccard's Index of Similarity the Chinese origin of 107+ North American petroglyphs and pictographs is established. Here is the long sought sinographic proof that Asiatic explorers not only...

Aspects of Land Tenure in an Ancient Southwestern Farming Society in the Mimbres Valley, New Mexico (2003)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Robert Stokes.

This dissertation research focuses on the development of new communities in areas outside of the main Mimbres River Valley during the Classic period, ca. 1000-1150. Based on a review of ethnohistoric farming societies living in marginal areas, a model was developed for understanding when and under what conditions landless groups of people form in established communities and the decisions they then make for survival, including moving into empty, but marginal, agricultural zones and establishing...

An Assessment of Transect Recording Unit Survey and Subsurface Testing Methods at Four Sites in the Permian Basin, New Mexico
PROJECT Michael Heilen.

In September 2014, the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) contracted Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), (Contract No. L14PA00010) to perform an experimental project aimed at achieving a better understanding of how site-recording and subsurface-testing methods can be used to assess the subsurface potential of sites in southeastern New Mexico. At issue in this experiment is developing an informed, scientific understanding of the relationship...

An Assessment of Transect Recording Unit Survey and Subsurface Testing Methods at Four Sites in the Permian Basin, New Mexico (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rebecca Wells

In September 2014, the U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Carlsbad Field Office (CFO) contracted Statistical Research, Inc. (SRI), (Contract No. L14PA00010) to perform an experimental project aimed at achieving a better understanding of how site-recording and subsurface-testing methods can be used to assess the subsurface potential of sites in southeastern New Mexico. At issue in this experiment is developing an informed, scientific understanding of the relationship...