Unidentified Prehistoric (Culture Keyword)

226-231 (231 Records)

ROI118, An Archaeological Survey of Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve, Jay County, Indiana (2022)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Hannah Ryker. Carson Wright. Zoe Lawton. Emily Ross. Kevin Nolan. Christine Thompson.

This is the tDAR Document page that represents Reports of Investigation 118 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a Phase Ia archaeological investigation at Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve (LMNP) with support from a Historic Preservation Fund grant. The primary goal of this research was to further understand the use of Pleistocene marshland by precontact indigenous populations, as wetland...

ROI118, An Archaeological Survey of Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve, Jay County, Indiana
PROJECT Christine Thompson.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 118 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a Phase Ia archaeological investigation at Loblolly Marsh Nature Preserve (LMNP) with support from a Historic Preservation Fund grant. The primary goal of this research was to further understand the use of Pleistocene marshland by precontact indigenous populations, as wetland...

ROI122, An Archaeological Survey of Wolfpen Ridge in Harrison-Crawford State Forest, Harrison County, Indiana (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Hannah Ryker. Carson Wright. Kevin Nolan. Christine Thompson. Reganne O'Conner.

This is the tDAR document page that represents Reports of Investigation 122 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a Phase Ia archaeological investigation at Harrison-Crawford State Forest (HCSF) with support from a Historic Preservation Fund grant. The primary goal of this research was to identify the nature and extent of Indigenous use of Wolfpen Ridge, specifically sites 12HR599,...

ROI122, An Archaeological Survey of Wolfpen Ridge in Harrison-Crawford State Forest, Harrison County, Indiana
PROJECT Kevin Nolan.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 122 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a Phase Ia archaeological investigation at Harrison-Crawford State Forest (HCSF) with support from a Historic Preservation Fund grant. The primary goal of this research was to identify the nature and extent of Indigenous use of Wolfpen Ridge, specifically sites 12HR599,...

ROI123, An Archaeological Investigation of Pioneer Life in Spring Mill State Park, Lawrence County, Indiana (2023)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Hannah Ryker. Carson Wright. Kevin Nolan. Reganne O'Conner. Zoe Lawton. Christine Thompson.

This is the tDAR Document page that represents Reports of Investigation 123 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a Phase Ia and Ib archaeological investigation at Spring Mill State Park (SMSP) with support from a Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grant. The primary goals of this research were to develop a more comprehensive understanding of historical activities around the main mill...

ROI123, An Archaeological Investigation of Pioneer Life in Spring Mill State Park, Lawrence County, Indiana
PROJECT Christine Thompson.

This is the tDAR Project page that represents Reports of Investigation 123 from the Applied Anthropology Laboratories, Ball State University. The Applied Anthropology Laboratories (AAL) at Ball State University conducted a Phase Ia and Ib archaeological investigation at Spring Mill State Park (SMSP) with support from a Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) grant. The primary goals of this research were to develop a more comprehensive understanding of historical activities around the main mill...