New Mexico (Geographic Keyword)

101-125 (184 Records)

LA 9235 Artifact Spreadsheet (2012)
DATASET Leah Fitzgerald. Tony Aliano. Angela Mowrer.

Spreadsheet of artifacts associated to LA 9235 at the Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology.

LA 9266 Artifact Spreadsheet (2012)
DATASET Leah Fitzgerald. Tony Aliano. Angela Mowrer.

Spreadsheet of artifacts associated to LA 9266 at the Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology.

LA 9318 Artifact Spreadsheet (2012)
DATASET Leah Fitzgerald. Tony Aliano. Angela Mowrer.

Spreadsheet of artifacts associated to LA 9266 at the Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology.

LA 9350 Artifact Spreadsheet (2012)
DATASET Leah Fitzgerald. Tony Aliano. Angela Mowrer.

Spreadsheet of artifacts associated to LA 9350 at the Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology.

LA 9463 Artifact Spreadsheet (2012)
DATASET Leah Fitzgerald. Tony Aliano. Angela Mowrer.

Spreadsheet of artifacts associated to LA 9463 at the Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology.

Lead Isotope Signatures for New Mexico Lead Ores Master 2020 (2020)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Judith Habicht Mauche.

PDF of Excel Spreadsheet with lead isotope ratios measured from various New Mexico lead sources at the Plasma Laboratory, Institute of Marine Sciences, UCSC by Prof. Judith Habicht Mauche and other members of her Ceramic Research Laboratory Group, 1998 to 2020. Use of these data are by permission only of the author and should be properly cited in any publication or presentation.

DOCUMENT Full-Text Kathryn Puseman.

A single sample from the fill of a caliche hearth at Site LA12275 in New Mexico was floated to recover charred macrofloral remains. This hearth was part of a large, widely dispersed prehistoric temporary campsite of undetermined cultural affiliations. Macrofloral analysis is used to provide information concerning possible plants processed in the hearth.

Mano data - Chapter 6 (2019)
DATASET Sarah Oas.

Mano data from Chapter 6. This dataset includes provenience, material, type, and comfort feature presence/absence information for all manos and mano fragments.

Mano measurement data - Chapter 6 (2019)
DATASET Sarah Oas.

Mano measurement data for all complete manos from Chapter 6. This dataset includes provenience, material, type, comfort feature presence/absence, and length and width measurements for all complete manos.

Marking and Making Difference Appendix A: PIII Database (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker

Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...

Marking and Making Difference Appendix B: Early PIV Database (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker

Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...

Marking and Making Difference Appendix C: Late PIV Database (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker

Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...

Marking and Making Difference Appendix D: Early Proto Database (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker

Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...

Marking and Making Difference Appendix E: Late Proto Database (2015)
DATASET Uploaded by: April Kamp-Whittaker

Appendices A,B,C,D,E contain the data used in: Marking and Masking Differences: Representational Diversity in the U.S. Southwest. Published in American Antiquity 81(2), 2016, pp. 253-272. By Michelle Hegmon, Jacob Freeman, Keith W. Kintigh, Margaret C. Nelson, Sarah Oas, Matthew A. Peeples, and Andrea Torvinen The paper is based on data from the Cibola region of the US Southwest, and each (.xlsx) file includes the data for a given time period (Pueblo III, Early Pueblo IV, Late Pueblo...

The material culture of Pueblo Bonito (1954)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Neil Merton Judd. Glover M. (Glover Morrill) Allen.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Metate data - Chapter 6 (2019)
DATASET Sarah Oas.

Metate data from Chapter 6. This dataset includes provenience, material, type, and measurements for all metates and metate fragments.

Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context (2015)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Michelle Hegmon. James McGrath. Michael O'Hara. Will Russell. Barbara Roth.

This document is the final submission for the forthcoming chapter: Michelle Hegmon, James R. McGrath, F. Michael O’Hara, III, and Will G. Russell Forthcoming Mimbres Pottery Designs in their Social Context. In New Perspectives on Mimbres Archaeology: Three Millennia of Human Occupation in the Desert Southwest, edited by Patricia A. Gilman, Roger Anyon, and Barbara Roth. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, submitted 2015.

A Model for Transferring Legacy Datasets to Living Documents: A Case Study Using A GIS Geodatabase for Archiving (2012)
DOCUMENT Full-Text David M. Plaza.

Archaeology is faced with the inherent problem of managing legacy datasets. Often these datasets are in a state of disrepair, thus rendering them almost useless and difficult to properly archive or to integrate into the current archaeological dialogue. Unfortunately, this is a common issue and there is not much literature on the subject. To address this dilemma, an examination of the condition of the paper documents of a legacy dataset is needed. In this research, I will review the preservation...

Mogollon Early Pithouse NAA Data (2020)
DATASET Lori Barkwill Love. Darrell Creel. Jeffery Ferguson.

These data represent all of the new NAA ceramic compositional data and group assignments from Barkwill Love (2020) and Barkwill Love et al. 2022. Barkwill Love, Lori (2020) Challenging the Village Concept: Bayesian Analysis and Chemical Composition Characterization in the Mogollon Early Pithouse Period of the US Southwest. PhD Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio. Barkwill Love, Lori, Jeffrey R. Ferguson, and Darrell Creel (2022) Movement of Pots (and...

Museum of New Mexico Site Survey Form (Redacted) (1966)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Irwin-Williams.

Site Records from the Anasazi Origins Project (Museum of New Mexico Site Survey Form).

New Methods for Understanding the Southwest Archaic: A Density Dependent Approach to Prehistoric Behavior (1980)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Irwin-Williams. Pat Hicks. Kenneth Rozen. Nell Ripley.

The nature of the Southwestern Archaic record, reflecting several thousand years of occupation by small mobile foraging groups, provides a crucial methodological and a conceptual dilemma for archaeologists working in the area. At the heart of this dilemma is the relationship between this kind of archaeological record and the concept of the archaeological site, which is central to contemporary thinking. As broadly defined, an archaeological site may be "any place of any size where there are found...

Nominating the Mortandad-Sandia Cavate Complex: Using the National Register to Advance the Goals of Applied Archaeology (2017)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Amanda Cvinar.

This project aimed at completing the process of nominating the Mortandad-Sandia Pueblo Complex to the National Register of Historic Places as a final applied thesis project for the completion of a Master’s degree in Humanities with a focus in Cultural Resource Management from Adams State University’s Department of History, Anthropology, Political Science, Philosophy, Spanish (HAPPS). This task was accomplished as a partnership among Los Alamos National Laboratory’s environmental stewardship...

The Oshara tradition: origins of Anasazi culture (1973)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cynthia. Irwin-Williams.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

The Oshara Tradition: Origins of Anasazi Cutlure (1973)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Iriwin-Williams.

Some of the most intriguing problems in the p re his to r-y of the New World concern the origins and development of the sophisticated sedentary town-dwelling Indians of the Southwestern United States, particularly the Pueblos. Seventy five 'years of extensive research have yielded a considerable amount of infor- matron on the immediate background of these native Pueblo peo- pl es , whose prehistoric representatives archaeologists group under the term Anasazi Culture. However, almost all of this...

Paleo-Indian and Archaic Cultural Systems in the Southwestern United States (1973)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Cynthia Irwin-Williams.

Despite its intrinsic significance, the long period that preceded the development of sedentary life in the Southwest, at about the beginning of the Christian era, remains very incompletely investigated and poorly understood. This is due partly to the lower density of population and the concomitant sparsity of archaeological remains, and partly to their relatively unspectacular nature, which resulted in a degree of scientific neglect. However, from the still scanty data certain major patterns are...