Co-operative Republic of Guyana (Country) (Geographic Keyword)

826-850 (892 Records)

Transforming Marginality in Medieval Iceland: Landscape Reorganization on Hegranes, Skagafjörður (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn Catlin.

Eleventh century Iceland was a period of transition. The settlement of the island two centuries earlier set off cascading environmental and landscape changes whose agricultural consequences were then evident, including deforestation, erosion, and wetland alteration. Meanwhile, the rise of a wealthy landowning class altered the economic basis of society from primarily household production towards more centralized structures of rent extraction and tenancy. On Hegranes, a region in Skagafjörður,...

The Treasured Contribution of the Inner Ear to the Study of the Morphological Variation among Ancient Individuals from Brazil (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lumila Menéndez. Maria Clara López-Sosa. Ana Solari. Sergio Monteiro da Silva. Anne-Marie Martin.

This is an abstract from the "“The South Also Exists”: The Current State of Prehistoric Archaeology in Brazil: Dialogues across Different Theoretical Approaches and Research Agendas" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Despite almost 200 years of debate, there are still crucial aspects that we do not fully understand in relation to the evolutionary history of South Americans. One of the major obstacles has been the limited number of available early...

A Tropical Treasure Trove: Preliminary Assessment of Archaeological Faunal Remains from Culebra Bay, Guanacaste, Costa Rica (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Susan Monge.

This is an abstract from the "Advances and New Perspectives in the Isthmo-Colombian Area" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. For over 50 years, excavations in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, have yielded a large amount of well-preserved faunal materials, yet few zooarchaeological studies have been carried out. To explore the research potential of archaeofaunal materials in the region, I will present data from several sites around the Culebra bay area. These...

Tuberculosis in Past Peruvian Populations (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kirsten Bos. Åshild J. Vågene. Jane Buikstra. Anne C. Stone. Johannes Krause.

Due to its arid climate the Atacama Desert has an exceptional preservation of ancient biomolecules. In an archaeological context, this allows for genetic analyses of both past human populations and the infectious diseases they experienced. Pre-contact Peruvian cultures are among the first New World populations to show skeletal indications of tuberculosis, and recent molecular analyses have revealed that three individuals were afflicted with a rare zoonotic form of the disease acquired from...

Tukano, Embera, and Achuar (Shiwiar) Supernatural Gamekeepers/Animal Masters: Environmental Impacts of Native Beliefs in a Changing World (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Chacon.

This is an abstract from the "Supernatural Gamekeepers and Animal Masters: A Cross-Cultural Perspective" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This paper investigates the belief in Supernatural Gamekeepers/Animal Masters of wildlife in three South American indigenous societies: the Tukano of Colombia, the Embera of Colombia, and the Achuar of Ecuador. Findings show that Supernatural Gamekeepers/Animal Masters are believed to grant success to hunters who...

Ueber die Wurfhölzer der Indianer Amerikas (1887)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Max Uhle.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the EXARC Bibliography, originally compiled by Roeland Paardekooper, and updated. Most of these records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us using the...

"Um Lugar dos Antigos:" A Tiered Approach to Community-Driven Survey in Cultural Palimpsests of the Brazilian Amazon. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Anna Browne Ribeiro.

The Mouth of the Xingu River, on the Lower Amazon River, is a place of many histories. The edge of the Amazon Delta, it was the first Portuguese foothold in contemporary Northern Brazil, and later home to a "glorious" 19th-Century rubber boomtown. Centered on the city of Gurupá, the region was a major hub in the traffic of Amerindians and also marked the Western extent of African slaving networks in Luso-Amazonia. Part of the Cabanagem revolt, place of Amazonian Jewry, export center for forest...

Understanding an Alternative Pattern of Coalescence: A Study of Architecture and Organization at a Non-fortified, Pre-Inca Town in Highland Peru (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Ryan Smith.

This study presents an analysis of the architecture and spatial organization at Maukallaqta de Nuñoa, a prehispanic site within the highlands of Peru dating to the Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000 – 1450). Within the northern Titicaca Basin where the site is located, hillforts dominate the archaeological landscape during this time as a result of increased political fragmentation and social discontinuity. While these hillforts often display very little architectural investment other than their...

Understanding heterarchy: Landscape and community in the northern Calchaquí Valley, Argentina (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Elizabeth DeMarrais.

This presentation explores landscapes of heterarchy, investigating the ways that past peoples inhabited a south Andean landscape. In the northern Calchaquí Valley of Argentina, before the Inkas, power relations were predominantly decentralized and spatially extensive. As a consequence, lived experience, the built environment, and the wider landscape both constituted and reproduced a distinctive social order and cultural logic. Using data from regional survey, I argue first for a habitus that...

Understanding the dispersion of ceramic styles in the lower Amazon: what is Koriabo? (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Cristiana Barreto. Helena Lima.

Archaeologists working in the lower Amazon have been identifying a particular ceramic style with a vast regional distribution, including the Caribbean, the Guyanas, the Amazon estuary and, more recently, the lower Amazon floodplain. This paper will discuss the distribution and varibility of this style in the lower Amazon, its correlation with Carib speaking groups, and the possible contexts, processes and practices that generated such dispersion.

Understanding the Ritual of Peri-abandonment Deposit Behavior Evidenced by Late Classic Maya Figurines at the Site of Baking Pot, Cayo District, Belize (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Amy Gillaspie. Julie Hoggarth. Jaime Awe.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Project is an archaeological field school operating in the Cayo District of Western Belize and has excavated at multiple sites in Belize annually since 1988. In the past five years, the project has focused on excavation of peri-abandonment deposits, or deposits of artifacts built up during and after the...

Understanding the Tapajó Socio-Political System through the Study of Landscapes and Material Culture (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Joanna Troufflard.

The socio-political organization of the Tapajó people living in the Lower Amazon region during late precolonial times has been studied through two main sources: contact chronicles and archaeological data coming from the Santarém site located at the mouth of the Tapajós River. Based on these sources, researchers have formulated three models to explain the socio-political organization of the Tapajó. However, recent surveys and excavations conducted in the upland Belterra plateau provide new data...

Underwater archaeology in Lake Titicaca, Bolivia: Use of the littoral zone in the Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1150) (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Christophe Delaere.

Since 2014, the project of underwater archaeology in Lake Titicaca (ULB), gives priority to the study of the Yampupata strait between the Island of the Sun and the Copacabana Peninsula. This research strategy was chosen because of different elements: First of all, the Island is a homogenous insular territory whose affordable dimensions (14,3 Km2) allow underwater activities. Secondly, one of the main characteristics of this territory is its dense, complex and continuous occupation which has been...

Unearthing the Deep Roots of the Long-term Human History and Environmental Interaction in the Atacama Desert (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Calogero Santoro. José M Capriles. Claudio Latorre. Eugenia Gayo. Ricardo De Pol Holz.

New archaeological evidence demonstrates that by 12,800 years ago, bands of hunter-gatherers effectively occupied the hyperarid basins of the Atacama Desert. The selection of the habitats they exploited and the location of their activity areas were constrained by specific environmental circumstances that coincide with positive moisture anomalies that provided abundant resources. The distributions and properties of which were likely managed by these people to create complex landscapes using...

Unraveling Indigenous Histories in the Upper Itajai Valley (Santa Catarina State, Brazil): Insights from Archaeological Research at the Tobias Wagner Site (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lucas Bond Reis. Thiago Umberto Pereira. Walderes Cocta Priprá. Fabiana Teerhag Merencio. Gabriela Oppitz.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2024: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Upper Itajai Valley, nestled within Santa Catarina, Brazil, has stood as the enduring homeland of the Laklãnõ-Xokleng people for centuries—a testament to their remarkable resilience despite persistent struggles for land and social rights. Against this backdrop, we present new archaeological findings from the Tobias Wagner site, which comprises 18...

Unresolved Questions in the Study of *Mopa Mopa: History, Geography, and Chemistry (2021)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Monica Katz. Emily Kaplan. Richard Newman. Maria Cecilia Alvarez-White.

This is an abstract from the "Plant Exudates and Other Binders, Adhesives, and Coatings in the Americas" session, at the 86th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. *Mopa mopa is the collective name given to the resin from species of the plant genus *Elaeagia (family Rubiaceae) that grows in regions of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. The resin has been used from prehispanic times to the present day to decorate a range of objects from colonial Inka *qeros to highly decorated and...

Untangling Wari Colonization, Trade, and Administration in Coastal Arequipa from the Site of Quilcapampa, Siguas Valley. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stefanie Bautista. Justin Jennings. Willy Yépez Alvarez.

The seventh century AD marked a period of great social change in the coastal valleys of Arequipa, Perú. During this time, an increase in violence, population growth, and social complexity was met with foreign influences from the Wari state of the central highlands. While scholars have long asserted that Arequipa fell under Wari control at this time, the evidence for direct state control has never been demonstrated conclusively in the region. This presentation reports the results of our...

Unveiling Laklãnõ-Xokleng Stories: The Southern Je Archaeological Context in the Upper Itajaí Valley (Santa Catarina State, Brazil) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Lucas Bond Reis. Thiago Umberto Pereira. Lucas Bueno. Julia Reis Cordeiro. Simon-Pierre Gilson.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. This presentation builds on research conducted by the LEIA/UFSC team in the Upper Itajai Valley (Santa Catarina State, Brazil) to put together components of a deep Laklãnõ-Xokleng history associated with the data archaeologically labeled as Southern Je. Contexts related to this archaeological category indicate that sites composed of pithouses began to be...

Upano, an Anthropized Valley in the Upper Amazon (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Stéphen Rostain.

Sangay, Ecuador, is probably the most prestigious and impressive site in Amazonia. It is indeed an immense establishment regrouping dozens complexes of artificial earthmounds and a network of endless paths dug along the edge of a terrace of the left bank the Upano. Many archaeological sites have been found in this narrow and straight Upano Valley has been modified over tens of kilometers in length by the pre-Columbian, but few of them have been excavated. Does this multitude of interconnected...

Urbanism without Cities in Ancient Amazonia (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Eduardo Neves.

This is an abstract from the "States, Confederacies, and Nations: Reenvisioning Early Large-Scale Collectives." session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The Middle Horizon was a time of political centralization in the Andes. During the same period one sees in the Amazon clear evidence of population growth, settlement nucleation and landscape transformation, as it is attested by the increase in site size, the production of anthropic soils, construction of...

Using LiDAR and Environmental Suitability Models to Predict Probable Locations of Ancient Settlements in Manabí, Ecuador (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Terance Winemiller. J.J. Ortiz-Aguilú. María Isabel Silva-Iturralde. Jaime Andrés Velázquez-Mora.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. In recent years, LIDAR has gained popularity among archaeological researchers for its capability to reveal ancient settlement features hidden beneath dense vegetation coverage in heavily forested areas. More often, these studies have revealed undocumented monumental architecture and in some cases modified landscapes such as agricultural terraces, canals, and...

Using Traditional and Nontraditional Isotopic Tracers of Diet and Mobility of Brazilian Shell Mound Populations (ca. 8000–1000 years BP) (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jessica Cardoso. Benjamin Fuller. Pauline Méjean. Andre Strauss. Klervia Jaouen.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The study of shell mounds can shed light on human occupation and adaptations at coastal environments worldwide. In South America, human groups occupied the territory close to the Atlantic Ocean for millennium (ca. 8000 to ⁓1000 years BP), building hundreds of shell mounds, some with impressive dimensions. After 2000 BP, it is assumed that these populations...

Uso de Dispositivos Open Hardware en Proyectos Arqueológicos en México (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only José Alvarez Estrada. Lilia Lizama. Guadalupe Zetina. Miguel Covarrubias.

This is an abstract from the "La Práctica Arqueológica en México en Tiempos de Crisis: Escenarios, Problemáticas Claves, Actores, Acciones y Propuestas" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Desde sus orígenes de relativamente baja tecnología, la arqueología ha evolucionado en una disciplina altamente tecnologizada, que emplea instrumentos para localizar, caracterizar y exhibir al sitios y yacimientos. Los arqueólogos con acceso a tecnología novedosa...

Uso de un Espacio Sagrado: Excavaciones de la Sacristía de una Reducción Colonial en la Sierra sur del Perú (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arlen Mildred Talaverano Sanchez. William Mc Collum. Steven A. Wernke.

Los espacios rituales han sido desde siempre lugares importantes dentro de las comunidades humanas pues son la expresión material de sus creencias y su fe. En el caso del Virreinato del Perú, la invasión española del siglo XVI significó un cambio radical en la concepción y materialización de la religiosidad practicada, donde la construcción de edificios de carácter religioso encarnó el cambio de vida y costumbres de los pueblos conquistados. Esta ponencia explora el espacio arquitectónico de la...

The Usulután Ceramics of Central America: Using Izalco-Usulutám Wares to Understand Interregional Relationships and Local Social Complexity (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Adrien Martinet.

This is an abstract from the "Materials in Movement in the Isthmo-Colombian Area" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Usulután wares are ubiquitous throughout Central America during the Late Preclassic period. These ceramics likely originated in eastern El Salvador and quickly spread to neighboring regions of western Honduras, forming the so-called Uapala Ceramic Sphere. Recent Investigations suggest that this Sphere covered a larger area than...