Arizona (State / Territory) (Geographic Keyword)

Southwest, Arizona , Arizona , arizona|| alabama , Arizona (State) , American Southwest||Arizona (State / Territory)||North America (Continent)||Phoenix Basin , Arizona (State / Territory) || North America (Continent) , Arizona (State / Territory)

10,176-10,200 (12,480 Records)

Settlement History Along Pinal Creek in the Globe Highlands, Arizona, Volume 4: Synthesis and Conclusions (2006)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

As part of the State Route 88-Wheatfields (SR 88-Wheatfields) project, Archaeological Consulting Services, Inc., (ACS) was provided the opportunity to investigate portions of 20 prehistoric and historic archaeological sites in the Globe Highlands of central Arizona (Figure 1, Table 1). These resources represented a broad spectrum of the cultural trajectory that distinguished this region, extending from the Late Archaic-Historic periods. Most sites were occupied between the Late Formative and...

Settlement History Along SR 88/188 From the Globe Highlands to Tonto National Monument, Arizona (2009)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: adam brin

Between April 1998 and April 2005, Archaeological Consulting Services, Ltd. (ACS) conducted investigations of prehistoric and historic sites along State Route 188 (SR 188; formerly SR 88) from the junction of US 60 to Wheatfields, and from Hicks Wash to Tonto National Monument (TNM) in Gila County. These excavations were carried out under contract to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) as part of the agency’s reconstruction and realignment of SR 88/188 between the US 60 junction near...

Settlement Organization of Paleoindian Caribou Hunters: Inferences from the Israel River Complex, Jefferson NH. (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Richard Boisvert.

A long-term research project in northern New Hampshire has identified nearly 20 Paleoindian components within a one kilometer by half kilometer space overlooking the Israel River. Consideration of the spatial distribution of tools and debris within the components and the distribution of these components on the landscape suggest a rigorous organization of migrating bands of Paleoindians who focused on caribou hunting. Site specific topography appears to be an essential element in the selection...

A Settlement Pattern Analysis of Yavapai and Apache Archaeological Sites in the Verde Valley Area, Central Arizona (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Linda Neff. Ted Neff. Peter Pilles. Ronald Krug.

Ethnohistoric accounts, historic records, and the archaeological record indicate the Yavapai and Northern Tonto Apache lived a mobile lifestyle during Protohistoric time (approximately A.D. 1300 - 1850) across the diverse environment of the Verde Valley area of Central Arizona, just south of the Colorado Plateau. Due to their subtle, portable, perishable, expedient, and reused material traces across the landscape, archaeologists struggle to merely identify protohistoric sites much less...

Settlement Pattern Analysis-Environmental Predictors (1978)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jon S. Wood.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Settlement Patterns and Land Use on the Shivwits Plateau: Insights from a Cultural Resources Inventory on the Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument (2023)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Emily Jonsson. Caitlin Stewart.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2023: Individual Abstracts" session, at the 88th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological research on Virgin Branch Puebloan groups has primarily focused on the Moapa Valley and lowland Virgin areas, despite widespread occupation across modern-day southern Nevada, southwestern Utah, and northwestern Arizona. Only a small percentage of the Shivwits Plateau has undergone study by cultural resource inventories or academic...

Settlement Patterns and Social Organization During the Southwest Archaic (1981)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Curtis F. Schaafsma.

This resource is a citation record only, the Center for Digital Antiquity does not have a copy of this document. The information in this record has been migrated into tDAR from the National Archaeological Database Reports Module (NADB-R) and updated. Most NADB-R records consist of a document citation and other metadata but do not have the documents themselves uploaded. If you have a digital copy of the document and would like to have it curated in tDAR, please contact us at

Settlement patterns of Salado period occupations in the Duncan/York Valley on the Upper Gila River (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kristin Corl. John Roney. Mary Whisenhunt. Robert Hard.

The Salado period occupation sites have become the focus of substantial discussion in the Southwest as it relates to broader regional migrations, population fluctuations as well as sociocultural changes. Unfortunately many of these important sites have suffered from decades of destruction and continued looting. Comparing early site notes from the Gila Pueblo and other early researchers in the Duncan/York Valley to the University of Texas at San Antonio Southwest field project survey notes, this...

Settlement Re-occupation at Chaco Canyon: Evidence for Migration and Serial Plurality (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Chip Wills.

Places where people invest significant human capital and resources in architecture and landscape engineering may nevertheless be abandoned in response to environmental or social factors. Those places might eventually be re-occupied by the original builders, or in some cases, appropriated by others. During migrations, abandoned or largely abandoned places may become destinations for people on the move. Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, has archaeological evidence for episodes of abandonment or...

Settlement Trends in the Middle San Pedro Valley: A Cultural Resources Sample Survey of the Fort Huachuca Military Reservation (1990)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Jeffrey Altschul. Bruce A. Jones.

The results of an 8,600-acre survey on the Fort Huachuca Military Reservation are presented. This survey was conducted as part of a larger inventory project, which in total encompassed 12,000 acres of the 73,000-acre fort. The report focuses on two objectives: presenting the descriptive results of the 8,600-acre survey and integrating the results from all surveys conducted on Fort Huachuca into a predictive model of prehistoric site location. The survey design had three main components. First,...

Settlement, Subsistence, and Specialization in the Northern Periphery: Research Design for Mitigative Data Recovery at Sites in the New Waddell Dam Borrow Areas (1986)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Margerie Green.

The Bureau of Reclamation contracted with Archaeological Consulting Services to perform mitigative data recovery at 17 sites in the Agua Fria and New River Borrow Areas in preparation for construction of New Waddell Dam. The contract also calls for supplemental survey in the vicinity and data recovery at significant sites in the newly defined survey areas. The Waddell area is considered part of the Hohokam northern periphery. Cultural resources in the area consist mainly of small field house...

Settlement, Subsistence, and Specialization In the Northern Periphery: The Waddell Project. Vols. 1 and 2 (1989)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: system user

Under the sponsorship of the Bureau of Reclamation, the New Waddell Dam Borrow Areas Mitigative Data Recovery Project, more simply known as the Waddell Project, performed data recovery at 17 sites in the vicinity of Lake Pleasant, Arizona. Supplemental surveys conducted under the same contract added two sites to the inventory slated for investigation. The project area, composed of multiple survey areas, was spread across two drainages, the Agua Fria and New River, in what is considered the...

Settlement-Subsistence Strategies and Economic Stress among the Sevier Desert Fremont (2019)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Robert Nash.

This is an abstract from the "SAA 2019: General Sessions" session, at the 84th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. Archaeological investigations at four Fremont sites in the Sevier Desert indicate settlement-subsistence strategies changed after AD 1000, shifting from short-term processing camps associated with logistical exploitation of resources to residential occupation and intensive processing of rabbits. These changes may have resulted from population growth and...

Settling a Waste-land: Mapping Historic Can Scatters in the Western Mojave Desert (2020)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alaina L. Wibberly.

This is an abstract from the session entitled "California: Post-1850s Consumption and Use Patterns in Negotiated Spaces" , at the 2020 annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology. In the eyes of Anglo-American settlers, the Mojave served as a transportation corridor between habitable areas rather than a site of potential habitability itself. This paper uses GIS-based analysis of historic can scatters in the Mojave to investigate the relationship settlers held with the land they...

Settling the Salt River Floodplain: Perspectives from the Community Noise Reduction Program, Phoenix, Arizona (2016)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Uploaded by: Rachel Fernandez

Archaeological and historical studies were undertaken by Desert Archaeology, Inc., selected and procured via a professional services procurement process approved by the FAA, to address legal compliance of the City of Phoenix Community Noise Reduction Program (CNRP) with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. The purpose of the CNRP is to offer noise mitigation services to residential neighborhoods most severely impacted by noise from Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. The...

Seven Millennia of Wood and Reed: A Preliminary Chronology of Weapons Systems from the West Texas Region (2024)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Bryon Schroeder. Devin Pettigrew.

This is an abstract from the "Advances in Perishable Weaponry Studies: Developing Perspectives from Dated Contexts to Experimental Analyses" session, at the 89th annual meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The arid west Texas region has a wealth of large perishable assemblages offering unexplored research potential. This talk focuses on weapons systems recovered from both recent excavation work and existing collections from this area. We provide an overview of the diversity and...

Seven Springs Pueblo Arizona Site Steward File (1997)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Scott Wood. L. B. H..

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Seven Springs Pueblo site, located on Tonto National Forest land. The site is comprised of several Early Classic Period Hohokam masonry habitations, as well as artifact scatter indicative of Post-Depression Euroamerican activity, possibly related to ranching or the CCC. Additional features include terracing, checkdams, sherd and lithic scatter, petroglyphs, rock piles, and a grinding feature. Artifacts include tooth powder, tobacco, and sardine cans,...

Seventeenth Century Battlefields in Colonial New England (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kevin A. McBride.

The National Park Service American Battlefield Protection Program has provided funding to research and document several battlefields associated with the Pequot War (1636-1637) and King Philip's War (1675-1676) in southern New England. These battlefield surveys have yielded hundreds of battle-related objects including weapons, projectiles, equipment, and personal items associated with the Colonial and Native American combatants. These battlefield surveys have also provided significant information...

The Seventeenth-Century Brewhouse at Ferryland, Newfoundland (2018)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Arthur R Clausnitzer Jr.

Built between 1622 and 1623, the brewhouse structure at George Calvert’s Ferryland plantation stood for a about two decades, before being removed as part of David Kirke’s reorganization of the colony in the early 1640s. As beer and bread, which were also produced in the brewhouse, were staples of the English diet, this appeared to be an unusual choice. Analysis of the associated material culture and architectural remains provides insight into the organization of Calvert’s colony. It also...

Seventeenth-Century Shipboard Beer: An Experimental Archaeology Approach On Brewing Old Recipes Accurately (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Grace Tsai. Christopher Dostal.

The basic concepts of brewing beer have remained unaltered for several centuries, but many other trends such as the ingredients and methods to brewing that affect beer’s alcohol content, nutritional value, and taste, have changed since the 17th century. This paper covers a short history of beer-making in the 16th and 17th century and how past brews differ from present-day brews. The experimental archaeology procedure for replicating historical beer today is also recounted to understand the...

Seventies Site Arizona Site Steward File (1996)
DOCUMENT Full-Text Carol Telles.

This is an Arizona Site Steward file for the Seventies Site, located on Bureau of Reclamation land. The site is comprised of three structures, check dams, rock piles, petroglyphs, and artifact scatter. The file consists of a site data form, map of the site location, and site map.

Sex and Penitence: Untold Stories of 18th-Century Contraception and Religious Fervor from Collections Excavated in the 1980s (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory Federal Curator.

At the Maryland Archaeological Conservation Laboratory (MAC Lab), the philosophy on collections is "Yes, you can have access to that," and making access a top priority has delivered valuable and surprising results. This paper is a tale of two artifacts from 1980s collections that have been reexamined and re-identified in the past year and a half: a possible lamb intestine condom from a ca. 1720-1750 well (originally catalogued as "paper?"), and a cilice recovered from a 19th-century Jesuit...

Sex in a Cup: Feminist Dilemmas in French Chocolate (2017)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Kathryn E Sampeck.

This paper considers the intertwining of chocolate-related material culture, representation in paintings and drawings, gender, and recipes across the colonial French Atlantic world. During the eighteenth century, chocolate moved from being an exotic luxury to a daily necessity. In fact, chocolate was one of the crucial items that Loyalist escapees from the French Revolution asked for when they moved to French Azilum in Pennsylvania. During this time, chocolate also became increasingly gendered,...

Sex Workers in the City: Presentation and Interaction in 19th-century Boston’s Urban Landscape (2016)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Alexander D. Keim.

Historical and archaeological analysis of sex work in the 19th-century tends to focus on what happens inside brothels. What happens when sex workers venture out into the city in the course of their daily lives? In this paper I examine the historical and archaeological evidence recovered from the mid-19th century 27-29 Endicott Street brothel located in the North End neighborhood of Boston, MA, and consider where in the urban landscape the residents of the brothel—Madame, servant, sex worker and...

Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll: Digging Hippie Archaeology in the Lone Star State (2013)
DOCUMENT Citation Only Jacob R. Edwards. Tamra Walter.

In 2012, Texas Tech University conducted archaeological excavations at Peaceable Kingdom Farm, in Washington, Texas.  The 300-acre property was part of land owned in 1824 by one of Stephen F. Austin’s 300 original colonists, William S. Brown. Later the property was sold to John D. McAdoo, a Texas Supreme Court justice who operated a plantation here in the 1850s. After emancipation, tenant farmers occupied the property and in the 1960s and 70s the property served as a Hippie colony known as...